Remarkably, in a season which will be remembered as much for calamity as class, there are several credible contenders for this award – three of whom are arguably surprise candidates.
值得一談的是,在如此讓人印象深刻多災多難的本季,依然有數名球員有實力來角逐本季最佳球員─ 其中有 3個人表現突出。
At the start of the campaign, both Laurent Koscielny and Mikel Arteta were expected to play supporting roles to the men playing directly next to them. However, a combination of injuries and poor form meant that Thomas Vermaelen and Jack Wilshere never hit the heights expected of them – or, in Jack’s case, never even hit the pitch. In their stead, both Koscielny and Arteta stepped up to the mark with some outstanding performances. Laurent eradicated the silly errors that marred his first season to become the model of consistency, whilst Mikel’s importance to the team was underlined most pointedly by how desperately he was missed when absent. The contribution of both players did much to make up for the aberrations and absence of more illustrious team-mates.
季初 Laurent Koscielny 和 Mikel Arteta 都被認為會是輔助身旁隊友的角色。然而,傷病和低迷狀態意味著 Thomas Vermaelen 和 Jack Wilshere 都沒辦法達到眾人的期待,甚至就 Jack 來說,他壓根而沒上場。接著 Koscielny 和 Arteta 以傑出的表現站上他們( Vermaelen 和 Wilshere )的位置。Laurent 改善了初來英超之際常犯不必要的失誤,成為隊上持續有表現的模範;而 Mikel 對球隊的重要性明顯地畫出一條分界線,只要他不在球隊的表現都慘不忍睹。他們的貢獻很大地彌補隊友們時有犯錯或缺席的情形。
It may seem unfathomable now, but the winner of last year’s ‘Worst Player of the Season’ Award was one Tomas Rosicky, who “made 34 appearances without doing anything of note”. For the first half of this season, that ineffective form continued, until he suddenly sparked in to life – and what life. Against the odds, Rosicky has found the best form of his Arsenal career, supplanting Aaron Ramsey and bringing verve and vision to the Arsenal midfield. He rightly earnt himself a new deal, and will be hoping to carry his tremendous end-of-season displays in to next season.
目前看起來深不可測,但上賽季我評為最糟球員的 Tomas Rosicky,當時可是上場 34次卻毫無具體貢獻。本季的前半段依然持續低迷,然後就突然活躍起來,真是太神奇了。相較其他人,Rosicky 成為他在槍手生涯裡表現最好的一季,取代 Aaron Ramsey 並帶給槍手中場活力以及視野。他值得贏得一份新合同,也為我們期待他能一直讓最佳狀態帶到下賽季。

However, despite the various claims from these three pretenders, there can surely be no arguments about the fact that the crown ultimately goes to one Robin van Persie. His quality has long been undoubted, but this year he finally managed to shed the concerns over his fragility. Taking on the armband has seen him flourish both as a player and a man, and it’s hardly worth imagining how 2011/12 might have panned out without him. Saying that, depending on how the summer plays out, we might just get a pretty good idea in 2012/13. Let’s enjoy him and raise a glass to him while we can – Robin Van Persie: the best footballer in the country.
儘管有三名角逐最佳球員者,然而無庸置疑的是,這頂“最佳球員”王冠戴在 RVP 頭上。他的球技本來就很棒,但今年他戰勝了“范玻璃”的戲謔。戴上隊長臂章讓他看上去是有擔當的男人,且難以想像要是少了他 2011/12 的賽季會多慘。甚至我們可以期待 2012/13 會有好的開始,當然還是得看今夏的表現如何。讓我們來舉杯慶祝他吧─Robin Van Persie:英格蘭最佳球員。
結論:最佳球員為 Robin van Persie。
This is always a hotly-contested award in this Arsenal squad, and I certainly found it hard to call.
I haven’t been entirely convinced by Kieran Gibbs’ first full season at left-back, and to be fair to him he suffered a fairly hefty injury which ruled him out for the middle third of the season. So that was him off the list.
我沒有辦法說服自己,即便 Kieran gibbs 第一次以左後衛身分參與完整賽季,而且季中有一段時間因肌傷而休養。所以他不在競爭行列之內。
I toyed with the idea of giving to Francis Coquelin – a young man who returned from a loan spell at Lorient fairly unheralded, and showed his mettle as a midfielder, full-back, and invaluable squad member.
我正考慮是否要給 Francis Coquelin 機會呢,他可是從 法甲 Lorient 租借後悄悄地回到隊中,展現自己能踢中場、後衛的能力,也是不可多得的球員。
And then I plumped for Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain: a teenager who in twelve months has gone from League One to Champions League and on to the European Championships. The thought of what he could achieve with such an impressive first campaign behind him is mouthwatering.
接著我也將 Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain 列入:這小伙子在一年前還在英甲踢球,接著就躍升至歐冠以及歐洲盃踢球。他如何能達到這成就,加上經歷第一次的英超賽季,光想就令人相當好奇。
And then I remembered: there was one candidate I was overlooking, simply because I had forgotten that he was even young. I simply accepted him as an essential part of the team.
Wojciech Szczesny only turned 22 last month. In goalkeeping terms, he is a baby – fully three years younger than Joe Hart. To play almost fifty games, with only the odd dip in form, is an outstanding achievement for Szczesny. Next season he will inherit the number one shirt, and I can’t see him letting go of it any time soon.
Wojciech Szczesny 只經歷 22個月。就門將資歷來說,他還是個小嬰孩。甚至比 Joe Hart 還年輕了 3歲。能擔任 55場門將,僅一場表現不及格,對 Szczesny 已經是很高的成就。下賽季他仍會是槍手的頭號門將,我還不認為他可以用更高的標準來衡量。
結論:最佳年輕球員:Wojciech Szczesny
It’s never nice handing this out, but it is tradition, so we may aswell get on with it. Perrennial contenders Almunia and Fabianski didn’t really get enough game-time to bungle themselves into consideration. I thought long and hard about awarding it to Park Chu-Young, but decided he was more guilty of invisibility than ineptitude – although perhaps that’s because his greatest crimes came on the training pitch.
這一直是不好討的獎項,但根據傳統,所以還是要頒發這獎。一直是在名單之列的 Almunia 和 Fabianski 因沒有足夠上場機會,所以就不列入。我想很久是否要頒給 Park Chu-Young(朴主永),但他只是錯在失去存在感而不是行為不當─即便那只是因為他的不好的行為都在訓練場上。
In the end, however, I’ve plumped for Marouane Chamakh. The Morroccan ventured on to the field 13 times more than Park, without managing to beat the Korean’s goal tally of ‘one’. He simply has not lived up to either his generous pay-packet, or his performances in the early part of his Arsenal career- and unlike Tomas Rosicky, I don’t think he’ll get the chance to prove me wrong next season.
最後,我決定該獎頒給 Marouane Chamkah。大膽地讓摩洛哥人上場比 朴主永 還多13次,卻不及韓國人“僅僅一球”的貢獻。不僅配不上他既有的薪資,也未及得初次加盟 Arsenal 的表現,且他跟 Tomas Rosicky 有別,我認為下賽季的他不會有所改變。
最糟糕的球員:Marouane Chamakh
It’s been a thrilling season, so it’s no surprise there are plenty of contenders here. It won’t live as long in the memory as others, but I for one enjoyed our workmanlike display to beat the eventual Champions, Manchester City, thanks to Mikel Arteta’s late strike.
這可是令人驚悚的賽季,所以會有很多比賽都值得被選為最佳賽事。其中有一場比賽令我印象極為深刻,而對其他人可能還好,那就是看到槍手們每一個都努力地表現,擊敗本季冠軍 ManCity,多虧有了 Mikel Arteta 的致勝球。
Our entire season felt like a comeback, and it was full of microcosmic comeback games. Highlights include the 5-3 victory at Stamford Bridge, Thomas Vermaelen’s late late winner against Newcastle, and the incredible attempt to reign in AC Milan.
本季給人努力攀回的感受,其中不乏好幾次逆轉勝。像是在 Stamford Bridge (Chelsea主場) 的 5-3 逆轉勝, Thomas Vermaelen 在 Newcastle 的補時絕殺頭球,以及讓人感動的拼勁想要逆轉 AC Milan 。
The undoubted winner, however, has to be Arsenal 5 – 2 Spurs. Bacary Sagna’s thumping header turned a season on its head, and set us up for a late run that would ultimately see us pip Spurs to third and the Champions League. It was a fantastic day, and a quite outstanding match.
無疑本季最佳賽事為 Arsenal 5-2 Spurs。Bacary Sagna 關鍵頭球把賽季帶回勢頭,也開始一連串的逆轉勝,使得我們打下 Spurs 回到英超第三以及歐冠資格。美妙的一天,也是傑出的賽事。
North London Is Red on Vimeo 发布人 merskamp
最佳賽事:Arsenal 5-2 Spurs

I won’t pore over the details. It was painful enough the first time. Suffice to say that in my time as an Arsenal fan I cannot remember a game in which we were so comprehensively humiliated by a rival.
I will now consign this game to the same part of my brain that stores the image of John Terry lifting the Champions League trophy, and attempt not to mention it unless absolutely necessary.
我會把這事放在腦中的某個資料夾,且裡面也有 John Terry 舉起歐冠獎盃的畫面,之後我不會再次提及這比賽,除非真的有必要。
RVP’s wonder-volleys?
Hammering Chelsea?
Overhauling Spurs?
RVP 的漂亮進球?(對上 Everton 那次接應 Song 的長傳)
硬是贏過 Chelsea?
逆轉 Spurs?
Afraid not. The highlight of my season was the magical moment when Thierry Henry not only deigned to return to the Emirates turf, but dared to grace it with a goal so transporting we all felt that Arsenal, briefly, were Invincible again.
恐怕都算不上。這賽季的焦點是,在那夢幻般的時刻 Thierry Henry 不僅願意屈就回到 Emirate 球場,且還用進球來美化這一切,彷彿讓我們回到這支球隊就是當年不敗賽季的 Arsenal。
Like Martin Tyler once said, the man is simply electrifying.
就如 Martin Tyler 所說,這人渾身是勁。
I think it tells you something about the topsy-turvy nature of the season that there were as many crushing disappointments as uplifting highs. I’m going to go in, the end, for a rather abstract winner: our dreadful start. Although our poor run in January was arguably more damaging to our final standing in terms of the points we dropped, our poor start was so frustrating simply because it felt so avoidable. Our failure to sort out the future of major stars early in the summer, and enable us to focus on completing our transfer activity ahead of the deadline cost us not only points but morale, momentum, and belief. I still believe it very nearly cost Arsene Wenger his job.
我想這很顯然直指這賽季莫名其妙的現象,充滿許多和令人振奮的好消息一樣多的失望。我就直說吧,本季的遺憾就是:致命的季初表現。雖然在一月之際有一陣糟糕的表現,失分到足以讓我們拿不到現在的第三名,然而季初的低迷表現更是致命,因為那本來是可以避免的。錯在我們沒有在夏季之初清理明星球員,也沒有及早完成轉會而是拖到截止日前,不僅讓我們失去積分,也失去士氣、動力、以及信念。我依然相信這足以讓 教授 被開除。
It doesn’t take a genius to see that next season’s fortune’s are largely dependent on learning from our mistakes last time round. Over to you, Arsenal.