2011年8月15日 星期一


The “Goodbye Cesc” post
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/2011/08/15/the-goodbye-cesc-post/

I have known for some time that I’d have to write this post.  Probably ever since Cesc Fabregas arrived as a 15 year-old back in 2003.  I ought to have prepared it and kept it on file, ready to go, like major media organisations do with obituaries. And yet, for some reason, even as the past week has made it clear his departure was imminent, I haven’t dared to start it.  Patently, it’s because I didn’t really want to.
有好一段時間我就認為終究要寫這一篇。也許早在 2003年 Cesc Fabregas 以 15歲之姿加盟起就有這樣的想法。我得事前準備好這篇文章並收藏起來,等到主要的媒體新聞都報導以後便發布這段訃聞。基於一些理由,即使過去幾週媒體都斷定他確定要離開了,我還是不太敢發布這篇文章。事實是我一點也不想發表這篇文章。

Tonight, however, reality hit home, as Arsenal confirmed through their official website that an agreement with Barcelona had finally been struck. Arsene said:
無論如何,今晚在家裡迎來晴天霹靂的消息,Arsenal 透過網站證實同意 Barca 的報價。教授 說:

“We have been clear that we didn’t want Cesc to leave and that remains the case. However, we understand Cesc’s desire to move to his home town club and have now accepted an offer from Barcelona. We thank Cesc for his contribution at Arsenal and wish him future success.”
『一直以來我們都表態不願意讓 Cesc 離去,即使這次也一樣。然而,我們理解 Cesc 想回家鄉的俱樂部,所以接受了 Barca 的報價。謝謝 Cesc 在 Arsenal 的貢獻,並祝福他未來成功。』

The deal was done on Friday morning, though we’ve waiting till now to make any kind of official announcement – hopefully we’ve used the intervening period to make advances in spending the money we’ll receive for Cesc. On that note, there’ll be more from me on what Arsenal need to do to replace him later today, so stay tuned.
這筆交易在週五早上完成,然我們等到今天才看到官方的宣布 ─ 但願我們能善用這段轉會窗口截止前的期間,將從 Cesc 得來的轉會費挹注在新援。順帶一提,之後我會提出想法來探討 Arsenal 該如何來填補這空缺,請等待我下次的發文。

The fee has been confirmed by Sandro Rossell as being €29m upfront with a possible further €10m in add-ons. That’s an absolute maximum of £34.2m.
轉會費的細節也被 Barca 總裁 Sandro Rosell 證實,以 €29m 加上 €10m 的附加條款。最多只花費  £34.2m。

It is, of course, a steal. At the start of the summer we would have laughed off such a ridiculous fee. Now, it’s Barcelona who are laughing. Their disruptive tactics have won the day, and ultimately the player’s desire to move has seen us do a deal at a fee lower than that for which for Andy Carroll moved to Liverpool.
這簡直和偷竊沒兩樣。夏季前我們對這筆轉會費嗤之以鼻。現在卻換成 Barca 滿懷大笑了。他們的騷擾策略起了功效,最後因球員求去的念頭使得我們看到不及於 Andy Carroll 轉會至 Liverpool 的價格。

Aside from Barca’s antics, our negotiating position was weakened primarily by the fact that the race to sign Cesc contained just one Catalan horse. On the open market, he’d fetch £50m+, no doubt.
撇開 Barca 那令人厭棄的滑稽,一開始我們的談判立場就被事實削弱,就像在追逐已騎上加泰羅尼亞馬匹的 Cesc。所以在轉會窗口一打開,就標榜 £50m+ 才有得談。

To be honest I don’t think the fee really matters. It’s almost entirely profit, meaning it even surpasses the ludicrous amount we made on Nicolas Anelka when we flogged him to Real Madrid. Whether he went for £30m, £40m, or £50m really makes no difference to me: he’s going.
老實說我並不在意轉會費多少。這事帶來可觀的收益,遠超過當時我們讓 Nicolas Anelka 轉會到 Real Madrid 所賺的收益。無論 Cesc 是以 £30m, £40m, 或 £50m 轉會都對我沒有差別:畢竟他都走了。

Cesc is already in Barcelona and will undergo a medical tomorrow morning before being presented around 1230 UK-time. I will, at that precise point, be undergoing an operation in a dentist’s chair. Which promises to be less painful than having to watch him paraded.
Cesc 已經在 Barca 且將進行體檢,然後於英國時間 12:30 現身正式加盟的場合。同一時間,我會坐在牙醫院裡的座椅上看牙。當然不會比看著 Cesc 出現在記者會來得痛。

There are so many reasons that losing Fabregas is a blow. He’s the club captain, and the heartbeat of the side. He is one of the world’s finest midfielders. And, for so long, he felt like one of our own.
失去 Fabregas 無疑是一大打擊。既是隊長,又是陣容的主要核心。也是世界上最佳的中場球員之一。而且長久以來一直都認為他是屬於我們的。

Collectively, we watched him grow and develop from spindly prodigy to midfield maestro. I was there at Highbury when he became our youngest ever player against Rotherham in the League Cup. I was there when he became our youngest goalscorer, tapping in against Wolves. And I was there when he came of age in 2006, winning a duel with the grand master himself, Patrick Vieira, who by that time was playing for Juventus.
整體來說,我看著他成長和發展,從瘦弱的神童到中場大師。當他在聯賽盃對上 Rotherham 時成為槍手有史來最年輕的球員,我就在 Highbury(已拆除,現為 Emirates ) 現場看著他踢球。當他在對上 Wolves 時進球而成為槍手有史來最年輕的進球球員,我也在現場看他踢球。2006 年他贏下關鍵賽事並得到中場大師的稱呼,且 Patrick Vieira 正為 Juventus 踢球的一刻,我也在現場看他踢球。

In his early years, Cesc lived with a club landlady, whose son is a friend of mine. To them – indeed, to all Arsenal supporters – he always felt like family. Inevitably, therefore, his departure feels like a rejection. Forgive the crowbarred analogy, but it’s a little like an adopted child deciding they’d like to go and be with their real parents. As much as we understand, it still hurts.
早期 Cesc 和俱樂部的房東太太一起生活,而後者的兒子正是我的朋友。對他們而言,也包含所有的槍迷們,都把他當成一家人。不可避免地,這次的離去就像拒絕成為家中的一份子。原諒我這樣比喻,有點像養子決定,養父母也放手,讓他與親生父母相聚。即便我們能理解,依然造成了傷害。

Whilst the pull of home is clearly a factor, one can’t help but feel a tinge of regret that Cesc is leaving earlier than any of us expected. Xavi is a long way from calling it a day, whilst the likes of Aaron Ramsey are not yet ready to fill the vacuum created by his absence.
一旦家鄉的吸引力也是主因之一,誰都不可避免會感到一絲後悔就在 Cesc 比眾人預期還早就離去。Xavi 還保持著狀態而無須急迫用他,但像是 Aaron Ramsey 的球員都還來不及填補他的空缺。

He’s left, ultimately, because he no longer believes in the project. He wouldn’t relinquish the armband lightly. If he felt he could win trophies as captain of Arsenal, he would be staying for a year or two at least. Whatever anyone else tells you, whatever you read elsewhere, do not doubt that Cesc Fabregas loves Arsenal Football Club. Barcelona is in his blood, but Arsenal is in his heart. Sadly – and this will hurt Arsene enormously – he no longer believes that the team built around him with bear the fruit of trophies.
最後他還是離去,因為他不再相信計畫的安排。他不會輕率地放棄臂章。若是能以槍手隊長贏下獎盃,至少還會多待個一、兩年。無論誰說什麼,無論你在哪裡看到批評,都不要質疑 Cesc Fabregas 是愛著這 Arsenal 俱樂部。確實身上流著 Barca 的血液,但 Arsenal 在他心中。難過的是 - 這對 教授 會是一大打擊 - 他不再相信圍繞著他所安排的戰術能贏下獎盃。

I can understand his frustration. His star has too often shone alone in Arsenal’s galaxy. The failure to sign the established players his talent deserved around him has cost him and Arsenal dear.
我能理解他的沮喪。就像在 Arsenal 這個銀河系裡單獨地一次次地綻放光芒。沒有安置像樣的球員來配合他,浪費他的才能同時也磨損 Arsenal 自己。

Now, at Barcelona, his potential seems destined to finally be fulfilled. When I hear pundits claim Cesc will warm the bench at Barca, I chuckle. Alongside the likes of Xavi, Villa and Messi, he will step up another gear. It pains me to say it, but I think Barca will see the best of Cesc. Whatever they ended up paying, it would have been a bargain: Fabregas is a Ballon D’Or winner waiting to happen.
目前在 Barca 他的潛力看起來已達頂標。有評論說 Cesc 將在 Barca 溫板凳,我第一直覺暗自偷笑。能和 Xavi, Villa, 以及 Messi 這樣的球員一起,他會自我調整來跟上步調。雖然這樣說會令我內心淌血,但我認為 Barca 將會看到巔峰狀態的 Cesc。無論他們是否真的付清款項,這無疑是給他們佔了便宜;Fabregas 足以拿下等著他的金球獎。(Ballon D'Or)

He does, however, leave us with an awful lot of memories, including 303 appearances, 57 goals, and 98 assists. It’s sad that it ended the way it did, but when he was on the pitch for us I never doubted his commitment. I won’t be talking too much about Fabregas from now on – it’s important that the whole club moves on. Nor will the departing Samir Nasri be afforded a similar eulogy. But for now, for the sake of nostalgia, let’s end with some of Cesc’s finest moments.
無論如何,他確實離開了,帶著驚人的紀錄離去,其中有 303 上場次數,57顆進球,以及 98次助攻。難過的是不得不這樣結束,但我絕不會懷疑他在場上為我們所付出的承諾。現在我就不再談太多關於 Fabregas 的事 - 重要的事這之俱樂部仍要往前!也不會去提可能離去的 Samir Nasri 是否也該給同樣的悼詞。但現在起,基於懷念過去美好時光的緣故,就結束在 Cesc 曾帶給我們有過美好的時光吧。

The following video ends with an optimistic “to be continued?”. Sadly, it seems this love affair is, for now, over. It’s less “Cesc We Can”, and more “Cesc we could’ve”.
下面的影片結束於樂觀的“待續下回?”。難過的是,這段對他的戀情到今天就畫下尾聲了。不再喊著“有 Cesc,我們就能做到”,而是“有過 Cesc 我們能做到”。

Farewell, El Capitán.

視頻:Cesc Fabregas & Arsenal F.C " The love story " (記得打開喇叭,音樂很催淚。)

