2011年8月13日 星期六

Jadson 被視為 Cesc 的接班人

Jadson identified as Cesc’s replacement
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://goo.gl/0UUTD

Tomorrow is the first day of a new season.  Ordinarily, I’d be hugely and embarrassingly excited about that.  Today, it feels like a speck on the horizon as compared to the impending horrors of the transfer market.

The trio of Arsenal, Barcelona and Manchester City have been very quiet about the futures of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri, until last night, when Arsenal.com released this small clip. Give it a watch.  Arsene doesn’t say much, but he doesn’t have to.  It’s clear that Cesc Fabregas is on the way out, possibly as soon as today.
三家俱樂部 Arsenal、Barca、以及 ManCity 都對 Cesc Fabregas 和 Samir Nasri 的動向不予置評,直到昨晚當 Arsenal.com 放了一段小影片。去看看吧。影片裡 教授 沒有說太多,但也沒必要說什麼了。很顯然 Cesc Fabregas 已經在離去的路上,甚至今天就離去。

The player himself has maintained his silence, breaking it only to say:

Presumably it’s a new work phone.  Or perhaps this was the clincher in negotiations.  €29m + €6m + €5m + blackberry bold 9900.
可能是即將在新球隊會用的手機。或者是合同裡的附加項目。 也就是說合同裡除了 €29m + €6m + €5m ,另外還多了一台 blackberry bold 9900。

Joking aside, it looks like I’ll have to roll out the ‘Cesc’s Arsenal career’ obituary imminently.  I might start pre-writing them for any decent player we ever have.
撇開玩笑不談,看來我即將得為文一篇‘Cesc 之槍手生涯’的訃聞呢。我也許會開始著手為以往我們有過的不錯球員都寫篇其在槍手生涯的訃聞。

On Nasri, meanwhile, Arsene says the situation is “stable”.  Stable how, exactly?  Even if he’s not sold he’s still at most ten months away from leaving.  My increasing feeling is that both players will indeed be sold, and probably over the next few days.
至於同時鬧得沸沸揚揚的 Nasri,教授表示目前仍然是“穩定”的。有多“穩定”呢?即使不賣他,這賽季一結束也會離去。激動的情緒讓我深覺得把他們兩個都一起賣了吧,或許幾天後這些事就塵埃落定了。

As worried as you are about Jadon coping in the Premier League, he looks far more worried himself
當你為 Jadson 是否能適應英超而擔憂之際,他本人看上去更擔心自己呢。

The surest sign yet that the pair of playmakers are on the verge of leaving the club comes in the form that Arsenal have already identified his replacement: the Brazilian Jadson.  The Independent go as far as to say a £12m fee has been agreed – and my information is that this deal is very much on Arsenal’s agenda, with the only concern surrounding the playmaker’s eligibility for a work-permit.
當兩名組織球員傾向離去俱樂部時簽下一名球員來補強中場實力的目標,Arsenal 屬意以巴西人 Jadson 來替代。《獨立報》表示 £12m 的轉會費已經同意,而我的消息是說這筆交易在 Arsenal 的議程裡占有不小的分量,唯一要擔心的是該名球員的工作證是否適用在英超。

With all the talk about Juan Mata, I was reminded of what happened when we lost Thierry Henry.  The expectation was that we would move for a big name, like Nicholas Anelka.  Instead, Eduardo da Silva appeared from nowhere.  It’s much the same with Jadson, who ironically now plays alongside Eduardo currently for Shakhtar Donetsk.  Some papers are suggesting Arsenal would like to sign both Mata and Jadson, but I’m not convinced Arsene will move for more than one dwarfish attacker.
至於 Juan Mata 的傳聞,我一直記得當時失去 Thieery Henry 的事情。當時我們認為會引進明星球員,像是 Nickolas Anelka 之類的。結果,來的是 Eduardo da Silva。同樣際遇也發生在 Jadson 身上,諷刺的是他現在還和 Eduardo 一起在 Shakhtar Donetsk 踢球。不少報導都指出 Arsenal 會同時簽下 Mata 和 Jadson,但我不認為 教授 會同時引進多個矮個兒進攻球員。

Jadson is even smaller than Mata, standing just 5’6″ tall.  To put that in perspective, it’s an inch shorter than Arshavin.  His age would also make him an unusual Wenger signing – he’ll be 28 in October.  Yesterday he tweeted:
Jadson 甚至比 Mata 還矮,站直也不過 5呎6吋(約167cm)。若進一步地說,還比 Arshavin 矮了一吋(2.54cm)。他的年紀也會成為 教授 少見的引進─今年10月就要28歲了。昨天他在 Twitter 發文:

“If everything goes to plan, I’ll have some news for everyone at the start of next week. Hope it works out. #happy”

If Jadson does arrive, I hope it’s as part of a concerted spending spree in order to restore morale and strengthen our ever-weakening squad. Joel Campbell, another potential signing from across the Atlantic, is due to hold a press conference in the next 24 hours at which he will announce which club he is due to join.
若 Jadson 真的來了,希望這只是砸錢買人計畫的一部分,以期能恢復士氣和加強一直以來羸弱的陣容。Joel Campbell,一個來自大西洋彼端的潛在新援,會在24小時內舉行記者會並發表加入哪個俱樂部。(譯註:確定加盟 Arsenal 了!)

Speaking of press conferences, Arsene will step before the media at 9am UK-time before travelling to Newcastle.  The chances of taking Cesc or Nasri with him have got to be slim to none.  The rest of the team news is here.
說到記者會,教授會在前往 Newcastle 的主場比賽前,於當地上午9點發布消息。(譯註:已發布)會否帶著 Cesc 或 Nasri 的機會可能微乎其微。至於其他隊內的新聞就請看這

For more on Cesc, Nasri, Newcastle and the season ahead, keep your eyes peeled on Arseblog for the first Arsecast of the season, with myself and Goonerholic.  I won’t, I hasten to add, be rapping.
在進一步談論 Cesc、Nasri、Newcastle、以及新賽季之前,請保持關注 Arseblog 即將開始的本季第一發 Arsecast,同時會有 我(譯註:本文的作者) 和 Goonerholic 在其中。我得補充一點,這次我可就不唱 Rap 了。(XDDDDDDD )

當時的 Rap :


