標題 [新聞] 教授:賽前我曾猶豫是否要用 Cesc
時間 Thu Nov 25 09:27:41 2010
“I had a hesitation to play Cesc”, admits Wenger
by Gooner Chris

Goonertalk http://goo.gl/6QFYg
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has admitted his Cesc Fabregas gamble backfired on
Arsenal 總教練 教授 承認自己賭上使用 Cesc Fabregas 卻在週二產生反效果。
The World Cup winning captain has been struggling with a hamstring injury
this season, and Wenger considered resting him for the trip to Braga.
同時是世界盃冠軍的槍手隊長,本賽季一直都在與 肌腱傷病 奮鬥著,且 教授 曾考慮
安排他在這次對 Braga 一役休戰。
However, the French coach eventually gambled on Fabregas, and this backfired
as the midfielder suffered a recurrence of the problem.
然而,教授最後還是賭上使用 Fabregas,不但輸球且傷病再次復發。
“It could be two to three weeks,” said Wenger. “It is very disappointing
because I had a hesitation to play him before the match started. I took the
gamble and it backfired on us.”
『需要兩~三週的休養,』教授 表示,『這事相當令人失望,因為比賽前我一直對於
是否安排 Cesc 上場而舉棋不定。接著我賭上 Cesc,結果輸球且 Cesc 傷病復發。』
To make matters worse for the Gunners, they lost the match in Portugal 2-0,
meaning they still have work to do to qualify for the last sixteen of the
UEFA Champions League.
對槍手來說,最糟糕的是在葡萄牙以 2-0 輸給 Braga,意味著還得努力爭取資格才能
Ahead of Sunday’s crunch Premier League tie with Aston Villa goalkeeper
Manuel Almunia is welcomed back into the squad, while Emmanuel Eboue and the
aforementioned Fabregas are both missing through injury.
在週日對上 Aston Villa 的英超賽事之前,門將 Manuel Almunia 即將回到陣容中,
Emmanuel Eboue 和前文提及的 Fabregas 皆因傷缺席本賽事。
恩...( ̄ ̄;)
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !