標題 [評論] 冬轉預測:Vela, JET & 教授 和藹的立場
時間 Tue Jan 4 16:25:38 2011

Arsenal Transfer Window Preview: Vela, JET, and Arsene’s softening stance
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2686
Can you feel the gusty breeze of speculation upon your neck? That’s from
the freshly opened transfer window.
It’s a time when fans of relegation-threatened clubs pray for a saviour, and
title-chasers seek the missing piece in an intricate jigsaw. And it’s a
time when Arsenal fans imagine what it might be like to support a team that
buys people.
完整版圖。同時也是 槍迷們 想像著,對於所支持的球隊會買了什麼球員呢。
If there is to be any activity at the club, it seems most of it will be
outgoing, so let’s take a look at those first.
Manuel Almunia
is likely to be the highest-profile departure. Arsene
confirmed last week that there is interest from Spain, and the return of Vito
Mannone from an impressive loan spell at Hull suggests he probably has one
foot out the window already. Which is, on reflection, a rather precarious
position to be in.
Manuel Almunia 是最令人注目之可能轉出的球員。教授上週證實,確實有西班牙的球會
表示對其感興趣,而租借在 Hull 且表現不錯的 Vito Mannone 即將返隊,意味著Almunia
Havard Nordtveit
is almost gone already, which is something of a surprise
considering how high expectations were for the young Norwegian. Back in
preseason, a Gunnerblog profile of the defender predicted he’d be a regular
part of the first team squad, but the signing of Sebastien Squillaci and
Emmanuel Eboue’s deployment at right-back rather than right-wing saw him
frozen out. Now, Arsene says that Nordtveit, 20, needs to leave and play
regular first-team football. The manager frames it as an altruistic
decision, but the main driving force behind the deal has been the player
himself, who handed the manager an ultimatum by refusing to sign a new deal
until he was guaranteed more playing time. The result: an impending move to
Borussia Monchengladbach.
Havard Nordveit 則是幾乎走定了,他曾是被高度期待的挪威小子卻驚人地在轉出名單之
Sebastien Squillaci 以及安排 Emmanuel Eboue 放在右後衛而非右邊鋒,就註定他無出
場的機會了。如今,教授 表示 20歲的 Nordveit 需要離開並在一線隊踢球。教授 是以
考量到對方的感受而如此表示,但實際離開的原因是在於球員自己本身,要求 教授 保證
予其上場機會,否則就拒絕簽下新合同。結果:不愉快地轉會至德甲的 Borussia
Carlos Vela
is another young player who has found first-team opportunities
hard to come by - though when presented with opportunities he’s hardly
seized them with both hands. The Mexican has made just three starts this
season, and now finds himself behind Robin van Persie, Marouane Chamakh,
Nicklas Bendtner, Theo Walcott, Samir Nasri, and Andrey Arshavin in the queue
for a first-team spot. Arsene has now suggested that a loan spell might be
the answer.
Carlos Vela 是另一名年輕球員,曾在一線隊踢過不少球,然而當上場機會來到,他卻
,在他之前的競爭者有 Robin van Persie、Marouane Chamakh、Nicklas Bendtner、Theo
Walcott、Samir Nasri、以及 Andrey Arshavin。教授 也指出租借或許是較好的解決方法
Vela has already spent two loan spells in Spain as he waited for a work
permit to move to England. There’s no point in him returning to that sort
of football and climate. If we want to try and develop him in to a Premier
League player, he has to stay in this country. Most sides in the top
division would benefit from a finisher of his undoubted talent, and he could
learn some essential lessons about top-flight football in this country. If,
however, Vela’s loan spell takes him abroad, I’d imagine it’ll be the last
we see of him.
Vela 曾租借在西班牙的球會且待過兩個球季,並等待領取工作証以回到英格蘭。當下看
蘭裡學到關於頂尖足球的經驗。若 Vela 會被租借到國外,那我想之後就看不到他了。
Another young South American joins the club this week: Brazilian striker
Wellington Silva. After failing to win a work permit, Wellington will have
to follow Vela’s path and head abroad on loan, most likely to Spain.
另一名南美小將會在本週加入球隊:巴西籍射手 Wellington Silva。自從為他爭取工作
証失敗後,Wellington 會步上 Vela 的步伐,以租借身分前往最有可能的西班牙球會。
There are a couple of English youngsters in the squad who could benefit from
a temporary move: Craig Eastmond could do with learning his trade in the
rough and tumble of the Championship, whilst Jay Emmanuel-Thomas could
benefit from playing in an attacking Premier League side like Blackpool. We
know that JET has remarkable talent, and he’s demonstrated that at
Championship level before. Now he is urgently in need of regular games.
There isn’t room for both he and Carlos Vela in the same squad. The next
six months is an opportunity for them both to audition for the one available
還有兩名英格蘭籍小將因短期租借而受益:Craig Eastmond 會在競爭激烈的英冠學到
一些訣竅,而 Jay Emmanuel-Thomas 則會在崇尚進攻的 Blackpool 球隊踢球而汲取經驗
。我們都知道 JET 有著顯著的天賦,也曾在英冠展示出不凡的能力。現在他亟需更多的
上場機會。目前的陣容已容不下 JET 和 Vela。接下來的六個月,會是他們最好的機會
There’s been a bit of chatter about some of the more established squad
members, like Bendtner or Denilson, leaving. That’s rubbish. Don’t click
it, don’t read it: it won’t happen.
目前也存在一些八卦是針對已經培養起來的槍手球員,像是 Bendtner 或 Denilson 想
As well as Vito Mannone, a couple of other players will return from loan
spells. Aaron Ramsey is back from Nottingham Forest this week, with only one
start under his belt. The snow disrupted his loan spell and made it somewhat
redundant, but he could be involved in cup-ties against Leeds and Ipswich
over the next fortnight. What a reception he’ll get when he steps out on to
the Emirates turf. I don’t expect him to play too many games between now
and the end of the season - if he can steer clear of injuries and make the
odd sub appearance that’d be great, ahead of a full pre-season in
preparation for 2011/12.
隨著 Vito Mannone 返隊,另外兩位球員也會從租借中返隊。Aaron Ramsey 會在這週自
英冠球隊 Nottingham Forest 返回,並經歷了一次的先發機會。大雪影響了他在租借期
他能踏上 Emirates 草皮時,會有何等的感受呢!我並不指望他能踢完餘下的賽程,如果
他能避開一切的傷害;作為替補零星地上場也不錯了,並預備好迎接 2011/12 賽程之前
Henri Lansbury’s loan spell with Norwich will also be up in mid-January, but
I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s renewed until the end of the season.
Lansbury is getting vital experience, and making a few waves at that level.
Arsene is insistent the combative midfielder is part of his plans, but there
’s no immediate room for him at first-team level.
Henri Lansbury 在 Norwich 的租借也會在一月中結束,但我也不會對於租借延長到賽季
末而感到訝異。Lansbury 正在汲取經驗,也在英冠球賽裡帶動攻勢。教授 堅稱這名富有
“What about actual, proper signings?” I hear you cry.
“Oh, erm, yeah. About that…” says I.
“Listen, we’ve come this far. You better have something for us…”
“你給我聽著!我們都走到這一步了。你最好真的有要給我們什麼才是...”( ̄ ̄;)
Well, I haven’t got anything concrete. As things stand, we’re not really
on the market. But that could change very, very quickly.
A month or so ago, Arsene was insistent that he wouldn’t be buying. That
stance, like my gut over Christmas, has softened somewhat. He’s now just
being absurdly cryptic:
大約一個月前,教授 堅持他絕不買人。但是,最近他的立場稍微緩和了些。他真是荒謬
“I don’t say no and at the moment I say we are not close to signing anybody.
Presumably that’s because Arsene is sensible enough to recognise the frailty
of his squad in certain areas. With Thomas Vermaelen still a good few weeks
from returning, any further casualties at centre-half could force Arsene’s
大概是因為 教授 意識到自己的陣容在某方面的不足。隨著 Vermaelen 還要再過幾週才
復出,除非中後衛群又再傳出傷病,教授 就很有可能就會出手買人。
Equally, an injury to Alex Song would leave him without a recognised
defensive midfielder. Arsene is reluctant to buy a player who might stunt
the development of the well-regarded Emmanuel Frimpong, but Frimpong is still
a few months from returning. If, God forbid, Song were to pick up a knock,
Arsene might have to open his wallet concrete-covered steel safe.
同時,若 Alex Song 受傷了,就會失去最好的防守中場。但買人也令 教授 為難,因為
可能會妨礙了備受推崇的 Emmanuel Frimpong 的發展,可是 Frimpong 又得休養數月之
久。若有個萬一,當然最好別發生,Song 因碰撞而受傷了,教授 可能得打開那層層保護
Will Arsene bring in a player without an unfortunate catalyst? Probably not.
But that won’t stop us wishing and hoping and praying and rumouring and
教授 會在沒有捉襟見肘的情況下引進球員嗎?應該不會吧。但這也不能阻止我們球迷去
The Transfer Window is upon us. Enjoy it while it lasts.
(我不貪心,至少來一個冠軍就可了,聯賽盃也可 ( ̄ ̄;))
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !