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時間 Tue Feb 8 20:01:13 2011

This weekend: The Positives
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2741
After writing up the disaster of that 4-4 draw, I promised you my next post
would be more positive. So here it is. Get your smiley emoticons at the
ready - the sun is coming out.
(可以自行去 Gunnerblog 看前一篇的評論,因為我沒有翻譯唷 Orz )
We’re in a better position than we were at the start of the weekend…
Bizarre though it seems, we’re actually in a better position than we were on
Friday. Wolves’ defeat of Manchester United (I always liked that Easter
Island shaped prankster, Mick McCarthy) means we’re now just four points off
the leaders.
雖然大家可能覺得奇怪,但我們確實比上週五的表現好多了。Wolve 擊敗 ManUtd 的那一
場意味著我們只落後榜首4分。(我蠻喜歡那位長得像復活島石面人像且說話討喜的 Mick
註:Mick McCarthy 為狼隊的教練
Some fans have been suggesting that United’s defeat only makes our slip-up
worse. I’m not sure that’s true - or indeed a valid point. Knowing that
they had the opportunity to go seven points clear may have played in to the
United players’ minds and put them under more pressure than usual.
有些球迷指出,ManUtd 的輸球更顯得我們這次的差錯相形見絀。我不確定那是否屬實,
Chelsea’s defeat to Liverpool was both funny and timely: a win for them,
plus the added momentum of £70m-worth of reinforcements, could have seen
them in back in the title race. Man City were the big winners this weekend,
but assuming Saturday’s game has no long-term psychological repercussions we
didn’t come out of it too badly at all.
Chelsea 輸給 Liverpool 既令人值得玩味且來得正是時候:若是贏了比賽,加上先前挹
注七千萬英鎊的增援,或可使他們重回爭冠行列之中。ManCity 是這次的贏家,但假若
The Invincibles remain unique in the modern era…
I think deep down every Arsenal fan will admit to having been a little
nervous that United might match our feat of going unbeaten for the season.
They’d had so many lucky escapes that you began to fear it might just be
possible - or, indeed, that it’d come down to a Cup Final-esque clash at the
Emirates on April 30th.
我打從心裡認為,每位槍迷都會擔心 ManUtd 可能會在本季追上我們不敗賽季的紀錄。他
Thank God that they’ve finally lost. I’d never want any team to match our
incredibly achievement - like United’s ‘treble’, there is something unique
about it that serves as a badge of honour for what was a truly great team -
but for this United team to have done it would’ve been so anticlimactic, so
unfair, that I’m not sure I could’ve coped.
感謝老天,他們總算還是輸了。我不想看到其他球隊達成不敗賽季的成就,就像 ManUtd
的 ManUtd 來說,若達成不敗賽季未免顯得太虎頭蛇尾了、太沒道理了,以致於我都不知
If you fancy a reminisce about the good old days of The Invincibles, just to
crank up the positivity that little bit more, why not check out this piece
from Threeandin.
如果你懷念昔日的不敗賽季,不妨調整自己朝正面去想,何不看看這篇《Three and in》
(Arsenal’s invincibles were like crack http://goo.gl/9OFPq)
Wojciech Szczesny continues to impress…
Wojciech Szczesny 持續表現搶眼...
Yes, I know he conceded four goals, but two were penalties and I think it’s
fair to say that without him we probably would have lost. It’s a huge month
for Wojciech - the games against Barcelona and at Wembley could cement him as
Arsenal number 1 for a long time to come.
可能就輸了。二月會是 Wojciech 重要的月份,迎戰 Barcelona 以及在 Wembley球場 的
聯賽盃冠軍賽可能就確立他成為 Arsenal 的王牌門將。
Theo Walcott is having his best season as an Arsenal player…
Theo Walcott 正持續著他在 Arsenal 以來最好的表現...
I find myself talking about Theo a lot less these days. It’s simply because
he’s doing exactly what you’d want from a player with his set of assets.
His opener on Saturday was his 11th goal of the season, and he set up RVP’s
first too. He’s back in the England set-up, and is finally adding that one
thing his game has always lacked: consistency.
我發現這幾天,無時無刻都在談 Theo 。正因為他確實做到我們對他的期許。上週六踢進
的開局進球成為他在本季的第11顆進球,同時也助攻 RVP 的第一記進球。他也回到英格
Andrey Arshavin’s form is recovering…
Andrey Arshavin 的狀態已經在恢復中...
Form, they tell us, is temporary. In Arshavin’s case, that’s a blessed
relief, as his had been dreadful. Two assists on Saturday, added to the goal
against Everton suggest that he is on the way back. With Nasri out injured,
it’s just in the nick of time.
人們常說,狀態只是一時的。就 Arshavin 的表現來看,相較過去糟糕的表現這次顯為有
如神助般的解脫。兩次助攻,加上對 Everton 的進球表現指出他正在恢復該有的表現。
在 Nasri 因傷缺席之際,Arshavin 恢復得正是時候。
And finally…
Robin van Persie and Cesc Fabregas have withdrawn from this week’s round of
international fixtures. Good to know they’ve got their priorities in order.
Robin van Persie 和 Cesc Fabregas 未被召回參與週中的國際賽事。真高興他們得到
祝福 Arsenal 走出上次被扳平的陰霾,
(不然從前年起每次文末喊口號打得挺心酸的 :))
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !