標題 [新聞] Miquel 透漏棄 Barca 選 Arsenal 的原因
時間 Sun Feb 27 16:04:12 2011

Miquel On Rejecting Barcelona For Arsenal
by Jamie Sanderson
YoungGuns http://goo.gl/WZcnr
怕有人誤會,這名球員不是最近傳出的 Jon Miquel Toral,而是先前足總盃首次登場
的後衛 Ignasi Miquel。恰好兩者都曾與 Barcelona 有過淵源。
Ignasi Miquel has revealed how he rejected a return to former club Barcelona
in 2008; to sign for Arsenal. The Catalan club offered the centre back a
return to La Masia after previously releasing him.
Ignasi Miquel 透漏自己怎樣在 2008年拒絕回到前球會 Barcelona 而選擇了 Arsenal
。這支加泰羅尼亞球會在釋出這名中衛後,再次提供合同希望他回到 La Masia*。
*: Barcelona 的青訓系統。
Miquel was speaking to AS.com in the week he made his debut for the Arsenal
first-team, but the 18-year-old began by discussing his difficult journey to
North London, and the offers he received.
Miquel 本週向 AS.com 提及自己首次為 Arsenal 一線隊踢球,但這名 18歲的小將談到
because you think ‘a team like that says you can’t make it’. Then you
think ‘you will not be able to continue in football’. I continued because I
like it, and in the end I was lucky.”
“你必須學會戰鬥。當你被踢出 Barcelona 後,你的心情頓時變得沮喪,因為心想著'像
“At 16 I was at UD Cornella. Then came another offer from Barcelona, they
wanted me again. I didn’t know what to do. My parents said I should stay at
Barcelona, as this meant staying at home. But then Arsenal’s offer came and
I said I wanted to go. They fully supported me.”
“十六歲的我還在 UD Cornella*。收到來自 Barcelona 的新合同,他們想要我回去踢球
。我難以下決定。父母認為我該待在 Barcelona,也就是待在自己的家鄉裡。接著來了
Arsenal 的合同,於是我說我想要去那裡踢球。父母也全力支持我的決定。”
*: 應該是 UE Cornella,隸屬西班牙足球聯賽第四級別(361支球隊、分成18地區),而
UE Cornella 是屬於加泰羅尼亞地區的球隊。
Ignasi then went to discuss his debut, admitting he felt he was ready to
play, but that ultimately Arsene Wenger knows when the right time is to give
an opportunity to a young player.
Ignasi 在接下來的談話中提及首次登場,並認為自己準備好上場踢球,但最終還是由
教授 決定何時給予年輕球員上場的機會。
“I really wanted to play in the first-team, but those decisions are down to
the manager. He knows more than you do about yourself. But I’m very happy
anyway. A debut is debut, its amazing.”
The cultured defender is expected to have an experience building loan move
next season.
我們需要堅強的後衛防線,期待你早日練成 :)
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !