Transfer Rumour Review: Phil Jones, Rodwell, Neuer & more
by Red Detective
In the best part of the last week Arsenal have been linked with several players. I will not be able to discuss absolutely every player but these include Phil Jones, Jack Rodwell, Lukas Podolski, Manuel Neuer and Bojan. In the following piece, I’ll attempt to write a tactical assessment of what each player could bring to Arsenal, whether I see the deal happening and that player’s role.
上週 Arsenal 傳出可能會引進球員的相關消息。我無法一個個地討論每個引進傳聞,但會討論這幾位:Phil Jones、Jack Rodwell、Lukas Podolski、Manuel Neuer、以及 Bojan。接下來討論的內容,我會探討這些球員能帶給 Arsenal 怎樣的戰術資源,無論轉會是否成真以及該球員確實的定位會否如此。
Phil Jones (defender, 19, Blackburn)
Phil Jones (後衛,19歲,Blackburn)
has been scouted by Arsenal’s chief scout, Steve Rowley, on multiple occasions in the last two seasons. Those of you who follow me on twitter know what a fan I am of Jones. He makes brave interceptions, telling passes and swashbuckling runs forward from deep. Jones is an honest, tough lad, playing for a team full of big personalities, while still living at home with his mum and dad. I can see Arsenal bidding but with Jones on a long contract and Rovers having wealthy owners, I see the price bring too high. In any case, I expect Chelsea to ultimately sign him as heir to Terry.
已為 Arsenal 首席球探 Steve Rowley 在前兩個賽季多次關注。你們若是有追蹤我在推特的發言,就會了解我是 Jones 的支持者。他能做出果斷的截球、注意對方的傳球、敢於向前帶來進攻的衝擊力。Jones 是個誠實、堅強的球員,全心全意地為球隊踢球,而且仍和父母在一起生活。我相信 Arsenal 有意買下他,但基於 Jones 本身已簽下一份長期合同且 Rovers 有著富裕的球隊老闆,所以我認為對方開價一定會過高。無論如何,我認為最終會被 Chelsea 買下並作為 Terry 的接班人。
(不要成為 Terry 私生活的接班人就好 XDDD
Jack Rodwell (defensive midfielder, 20, Everton)
Jack Rodwell (防守型中場(後腰),20歲,Everton)
has parallels with Jones. Both young, big, English and can play in defence and midfield. Rodwell is the naturally better footballer with bigger potential, Jones has the bigger heart with leadership qualities and is more a defender by trade. Either would be worthy additions at Arsenal and take Diaby’s role as the midfield powerhouse or as an additional defender. However, I fancy United to sign him. If Jones is heir to Terry, Rodwell could be heir to Rio.
和 Jones 有著相似的特點。兩者都年輕、高大且強壯、英格蘭籍、且都能踢後衛和後腰的位置。Rodwell 有著被看好的潛力作為天賦異稟的球員,Jones 則具備領導的風範且更像純防守球員。無論是誰都能帶給 Arsenal 助益,且能替代 Diaby 作為強力的後腰、或者補充槍手的後衛人力。無論如何,我傾向認為 ManUtd 較有可能買下他。若說 Jones 作為 Terry 的接班人,那麼 Rodwell 就是 Rio 的接班人。
Podolski (forward, 25, FC Köln)
Podolski (前鋒,25歲,德甲的 FC Koln)
has had mixed fortunes at club level. In 3 years at Bayern Munich he scored just 26 times in 104 games. He’s back at FC Köln now, and has 12 goals this season. Where Podolski has become known in England is through his performances for Germany. He has a remarkable 42 in 84 caps. I like Podolski and would advocate him as a good signing able to bring a winning German temperament, tournament of success, pace and a thunderous shot. This season I’ve been struck by Arsenal’s reliance on Walcott’s pace. Im a team of Cesc, Van Persie, Nasri and Wilshere; it’s appeared to me that too many players run towards the ball to gain possession whilst not enough run away to make space or receive the ball. Podolski, like Walcott, could make these runs. I see this being a good signing, where Podolski could score 15 goals a season in a fluid 4-3-3 formation on the left of the forward line. I personally do not see this coming off as Arshavin, Nasri, Vela and (eventually) Miyaichi all play that role. If a player leaves, this may change.
在德甲有著不固定的足球職涯。在 Bayern Munich 的3年期間,上場 104次貢獻 26進球。目前他回到 FC Koln,且貢獻 12進球。Podolski 之所以會在英格蘭成名是因為他在德國國家隊的表現,且代表國家84場有42進球。我欣賞 Podolski 的風格,也會建議買下他帶給球隊德意志般的勝利氣質、求勝的聯賽表現、快速的前場推進、以及致命的射門威脅。本季我一直擔心 Arsenal 過度依賴 Walcott 的速度。在 Cesc、Van Persie、Nasri、以及 Wilshere 為主的球隊裡;我經常看到太多球員前壓以持球,卻沒有球員因跑動拉出空間而接應傳球。Podolski 就像 Walcott 能帶來撕扯空間的球員。我認為這會是不錯的引進,且 Podolski 又能在 4-3-3陣型的左翼邊鋒帶來 15進球。就我個人的觀感,Arshavin、Nasri、Vela、甚至 宮市亮(Miyaichi) 都不太能在這個位置帶來衝擊力。除非有人離去,才可能引進 Posolski 吧。
The papers reported Wenger had enquired as to the availability of Manuel Neuer (goalkeeper, 25, Schalke). He is a few years experience and development ahead of Szczesny, and in truth is right now far better. Neuer’s distribution is world class in accuracy and speed. A coach has once said he is such a good footballer, Neuer could play in the German 3rd Division. However, Neuer appears set for Bayern Munich and Szczesny deserves his number 1 spot. A better signing would be a 36 year old, Premier League-experienced ‘keeper able to keep the wheel on when the Pole is out.
這新聞指出 教授 曾詢問 Manuel Neuer (門將,25歲,德甲 Schalke)的轉會可行性。比起 Szczesny,他已有幾年的德甲聯賽資歷和成長,且被認為現在是最好的買進時刻。Neuer 的貢獻在判斷和反應都是世界上數一數二的。曾有球隊的教練稱呼他是如此棒的球員,足以在德丙級別的聯賽踢球。然而,Neuer 可能會加入 Bayern Munich,而 Szczesny 已經站穩槍手的第一門將位置。我想最好的方式,就是當小波蘭缺席時,引進 36歲、英超經驗的門將就可以了。
(德丙聯賽進球跟棒球一樣嗎?XDDD 不懂為何這樣說)
Bojan (striker/winger, 20, Barcelona)
Bojan (射手/邊鋒,20歲,Barcelona)
being linked in the press with Arsenal took me by surprise. I hope it does not happen. Not a naturally quick or strong player, but blessed with a hunter’s instinct for goals, he lacks physical attributes to fall back on when form deserts him. Bojan is also very lightweight to play off the shoulder of rugged centre backs like Samba, Huth and Hangeland. Yes he may finish moves on warm days at the Emirates when we are 2-0 up, but take him to the North on a miserable night full of aggressive players and I suspect he’d be found wanting.
在記者會傳出可能加盟 Arsenal 的消息讓我震驚。但願別發生。腳程不快且體格也不強壯的球員,但卻有著敏銳的進球直覺,但在一個陣型會孤立他的情形下,缺少身體強壯的素質就難以立足。Bojan 太輕而不足以抗衡像 Samba、Huth、Hangeland 這般肌肉男的中後衛群。確實他有可能在球隊 2-0 領先而士氣大盛時帶來進球,但把他帶來倫敦來面對侵略性強的後衛會是悲慘的一夜,很快地就會發現買錯人了。