Ramsey isn’t ready to replace Cesc (yet)
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2812
With this season ending as soon as we fell to defeat at Bolton - if not before - it was probably inevitable that Sunday’s game against Man U would be looked upon as a marker for next season.
在我們輸給 Bolton 時就宣告奪冠無緣後,即使沒有輸,在週日對上 ManUtd 的比賽依然會是作為下賽季開始的指標。
In the light of our victory, many armchair pundits have remarked upon the apparent ease with which Aaron Ramsey stepped in to the vacuum created by Cesc Fabregas’ absence. With Cesc still being heavily linked with Barcelona, it has even been suggested by some that the (re)emergence of Ramsey means Arsenal would have little to worry about should their captain depart.
在勝利的喜悅之下,許多不切實際的評論家說著 Aaron Ramsey 代替因傷缺席的 Cesc Fabregas 而減輕了缺少 Cesc 的壓力。加上愈來愈多關於 Cesc 要回 Barca 的傳聞,有些人甚至指出 Ramsey 的崛起意味著 Arsenal 不需要擔心槍手隊長的離去。
What a load of tosh. Aaron Ramsey is a promising 20 year-old with a handful of top flight starts under his belt. Cesc Fabregas is the captain of Arsenal, a European and World Champion, and one of the best players in the world.
真是癡人說夢!Aaron Ramsey 是個大有可為、即將展開高飛的 20歲小將。Cesc 卻是個槍手隊長、拿過08'歐洲盃和10'世界盃冠軍、以及是個全球公認的最佳球員之一。
I won’t deny that Ramsey was impressive on Sunday. Seeing him I’m tandem with Wilshere provided a glimpse of a possible partnership that harnesses both Wengerish technique and British grit. But this is the first time since that horriffic injury that Ramsey has looked anything like his former self. It’s a great start on the road to recovery, but nothing more than that. Remember how good Eduardo looked in his first few games back? Ramsey will know as well as anyone that his target has to be rediscovering consistency in his game.
我不否認 Ramsey 在週日的表現極為出色。看到他和 Wilshere 的組合,讓我們彷彿看見能同時展現 教授風格的技術且兼具英格蘭的奮戰精神。但這可是自從嚴重受傷後的第一次 Ramsey 能找回自己的風格。這是個好的開始,但就僅僅這麼一次。還記得 Eduardo 傷後一回到球場那幾週亮眼的表現嗎?Ramsey 得瞭解,我們也該瞭解,他真正的目標是堅定持續地找回該有的表現。
Naturally, fans enjoy hyping their players. We’ve all been guilty of suggesting that Ryan Smith was ‘the new Overmars’ or that Jeremie Aliadiare was ‘Trezeguet mk II’. But at this time more than ever, the club need to be realistic about the potential of the youngsters at their disposal.
當然,球迷都喜歡宣揚自己的球員有多棒。但我們應感到羞愧,像是以前認為 Ryan Smith 會是“新 Overmars”、或是認為 Jeremie Aliadiare 就是“Trezeguet mk 二世”。但現今可不像過去了,俱樂部必須實際地面對關於年輕球員的潛力該如何做出取捨。
If Cesc were to leave - and at this stage that remains a big if - gambling on Ramsey as a replacement would be madness on Arsene’s part. Arsenal do not have enough players of the calibre, character and experience of Cesc to lose one without replacing them with someone of similar stature.
假如 Cesc 真的要離去,記住我是強調“假如”,大膽地採用 Ramsey 來代替 Cesc 將會是 教授最瘋狂的舉動。Arsenal 根本沒有本錢失去像 Cesc 如此有才能、特質、以及經驗的球員,而且又不以類似的球員來代替。
If we are too quick to replace our old heroes with new ones, we’ll be stuck in transition forever.
今天是 Cesc Fabregas 的生日!
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !