Rambo Guns Down United
by GilbertoSilver
Gunnerblog http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2810
Not too little, but certainly too late…
Beating United is always an achievement, and after the nightmare of the last few weeks I’m loathe to be anything other than positive today. However, our victory mainly served to reaffirm a couple of things about this season: that this incarnation of United would be as weak a Champion as this league has ever had, and that we absolutely had the potential to be supersede them and be title-winners. That potential, of course, has been squandered. Yesterday we salvaged some pride but no more than that.
能擊敗 ManUtd 就是一種成就,且自從前幾週夢魘般的結局後,便對周遭的一切事物感到厭煩,直到今天才轉向積極正面的心態。無論如何,我們的勝利再次證實本季的兩件事:平凡化的 ManUtd 可能會是有史以來最弱的英超冠軍,以及我們本來絕對有潛力超越他們並奪下冠軍的。當然,那股潛力已經被揮霍了。昨天的表現除了挽回榮譽之外,並沒有實質上能奪冠的助益。
What a moment for Aaron Ramsey…
屬於 Aaron Ramsey 的一刻
The original Rambo was a veteran of war. Ours is still a youngster, but has already some through a major battle after recovering from that horrific broken leg over a year ago. To score in only his second start for Arsenal since that day, against the club he rejected to become a Gunner, was a fitting reward for the Welshman.
Rambo 本來就是球場上的老兵,雖然年紀小,卻從一年前餘悸猶存的斷腿康復,並在重要的賽事汲取了成長的經驗。就在第二次先發便為 Arsenal 踢進關鍵進球,而且是踢進當初邀請加盟的 ManUtd,但他選擇成為槍手,這次進球成了威爾斯人正式回歸的宣示。
When I saw that Cesc Fabregas was missing and that Ramsey was starting instead, I was both concerned and surprised. Concerned that we’d miss Cesc’s leadership and creativity, and surprised that Ramsey had got the nod ahead of the likes of Andrey Arshavin.
當我看到 Cesc Fabregas 因傷缺席而讓 Ramsey 代替先發,既訝異亦擔憂。憂的是缺少 Cesc 的領導風範和創造力;訝異的是 Ramsey 能排在像 Andrey Arshavin 這樣的球員之前而被選中。
I needn’t have worried. Ramsey was superb, and provided a real reminder of his potential. He’s a real gutsy midfielder, in the Steven Gerrard mould. Like Gerrard, he’s prepared to take risks to make something happen: he’ll try the difficult pass, or have a shot from range. In a team full of continuity players, he provides something different. With a full pre-season behind him he could be a big part of next season’s squad.
但我多慮了。Ramsey 表現優異,展現出他真實的潛力所在。他是個能掌的球員,像是由 Steven Gerrard 同一個模子造出來的似。如同 Gerrard,Rambo 總是準備好嚐試做出變化:嚐試高難度卻關鍵的傳球、或者遠距離大腳射門。在這充滿著相似球員的隊伍裡,他卻能帶來不一樣的特質。隨著夏季的熱身賽等著他大放異彩,下賽季他將成為不可或缺的一員。
Fittingly, our next game is away to Stoke. How symbolic would it be for Ramsey to take to the field there and show them how well he fought back from the brink?
巧的是,下一場比賽是作客 Stoke 的比賽。若是看到 Ramsey 來到該球場,並展示自己如何從重傷的邊緣奮鬥到今天,那會是多麼有象徵性的呢!
註:Ramsey 正是在 Stoke 的比賽中,被 Shawcross 惡意鏟傷而斷腿。
The midfield trio of Song, Wilshere, and Ramsey were superb…
中場三堅:Song、Wilshere、Ramsey 的表現傑出
In Cesc’s absence, Arsene subtly shifted the system to accommodate this new trio. Usually, Wilshere and Song would sit deep, with Fabregas floating ahead. Yesterday, it was a more fluid trio, with Wilshere and Ramsey taking turns to bomb on. For such young players, they showed great maturity, and United’s 4-4-2 system meant we always had an extra man in the middle.
在 Cesc 的缺席下,教授 巧妙地改變中場體系來搭配新的三人組。通常會是 Wilshere 和 Song 在後司防,而 Fabregas 自由向前進攻。昨天看到的是更流暢的三人組,Wilshere 和 Ramsey 輪番地向前轟炸。對於這群年輕的球員而言,他們展現傑出的成熟表現,而 ManUtd 的 4-4-2 陣容意味著我們在中場多了一人。
Arsenal showed some steel, at last…
Arsenal 終於展現了鋼鐵般的韌性...
Alex Song won 100% of his nine tackles, and was superb at shackling the in-form Wayne Rooney. A surprising enforcer emerged in the guise of half-time substitute Arshavin, who hared up and down the left-flank, buffeting off the opposition and launching in to sliding tackles.
Alex Song 做出九次完全攔截,且漂亮地壓制狀態極佳的 Wayne Rooney。尤其是一反平常、且在下半場替補上場之 Arshavin 的增援,不但在左翼來回跑動、且攔阻對手進攻並送出數次漂亮的滑鏟。
Wojciech Szczesny gave the defence an air of calm…
Wojciech Szczesny 帶給後防穩定的信心
Whatever your complaints about Arsene’s project, the emergence of Wilshere and Szczesny has saved the club about £40m in transfer fees. Even when Johan Djourou was withdrawn due to injury, the Pole’s preternatural confidence transmitted to his defence.
無論你怎麼抱怨 教授 在轉會市場的決定,Wilshere 和 Szczesny 的崛起卻幫俱樂部節省了約莫 £40m (四千萬英鎊)的轉會開銷。即使 Johan Djourou因傷而被迫下場 ,但小波蘭超乎常人的自信確實表現在出他的門將實力。
The one exception to that was panic-prone Gael Clichy…
唯一缺失就是容易亂了分寸的 Gael Clichy...
…who was lucky not to concede a penalty for a late lunge at Michael Owen. That said, Arsenal had been denied a spot-kick in the first half for a handball by Nemanja Vidic, so in a way justice was done.
但運氣好地逃過一劫,而不是因踩了Owen 導致被罰禁區點球。有人說 Arsenal 在上半場應該要得到因 Nemanja Vidic 手球而有的點球,所以,兩邊都扯平了。