Arsenal’s new home kit – pictures
by blogger@arseblog.com (Arseblogger)
Arseblogger http://arseblog.com/2011/05/arsenals-new-home-kit-pictures/
※Robin van Persie 是非賣品,並非預購的商品項目!!!(lol)
The new home shirt features a bespoke crest to highlight the proud origins of the Club 125 years ago.
新球衣的特點在於胸前特製的徽章,強調俱樂部 125年的榮耀起源。
Founded in Woolwich in 1886 and called The Royal Arsenal, the celebratory design features 15 laurel leaves to the left side of the Club’s crest to reflect the detail on the reverse of the six pence pieces paid by 15 men to establish the Club – the laurel leaves also represent strength.
於 1886年創建於 Woolwich 且當時命名為『皇家兵工廠』,慶祝的圖案設計於徽章左側放上 15片月桂葉,象徵當年創見俱樂部時,由 15人出資 六便士 的硬幣之反面圖案-且 月桂葉 也象徵力量。
The 15 oak leaves to the right of the crest acknowledge the founders who would meet in the local Royal Oak pub. Underneath the crest is one of the first recorded mottos related to the armament and battle – ‘Forward’ – with the anniversary dates of 1886 and 2011 either side of the heart of the shirt.
於徽章右邊的 15片像樹葉向當初的創見成員致敬,而他們當時是在當地的『皇家橡樹酒吧』商議的。於徽章下方的文字則是與軍事戰爭有關的座右銘-『勇往直前』,同時繡在 1886年 和 2011年 慶祝球隊創辦的球衣胸前。

The kit is available for pre-order from today on Arsenal.com and available in stores from June 9th.
球衣已開放預購,而 六月9日正式在各商店鋪貨。
※只要參與預購,就贈送大浴巾(Beach Towel)唷!!!
想參加預購?要買要快唷!!!→ http://onlinestore.arsenal.com/icat/replicakit/
圖輯:(來自 Arseblogger)