New York Red Bulls invited to 2011 Emirates Cup
by Gooner Chris
Goonertalk http://goo.gl/oFplx
Arsenal legend Thierry Henry could be back at the club sooner than expected, as his New York Red Bull side consider an invitation to the 2011 Emirates Cup competition.
槍手傳奇人物 Thierry Henry 比預期還更早就要回來 Arsenal 俱樂部了!不過,是以紐約紅牛隊的身份前來參與 2011 Emirates Cup 的比賽。
According to the Washington Post, the MLS giants “have been considered for an invitation but nothing is set in stone”, although their participation looks likely with no matches scheduled for the usual tournament dates in late July.
The Emirates Cup has been hugely successful since Arsenal staged the inaugural tournament back in 2007 and it’s now recognised as one of the world’s most prestigious pre-season tournaments.
Emirates Cup 自從 Arsenal 於 2007年起初次舉辦後都一直很成功,如今它成了全世界最富聲望的季前賽事。
More information on Arsenal’s pre-season tours, with Malaysia being touted as a likely destination, will be released towards the end of the season.
關於 Arsenal 季前巡迴賽更多的消息,包括 馬來西亞 可能會成為巡迴賽的站點,都會在賽季結束後正式發佈。