by Red Detective

Jens Lehmann has not changed. He can still be the General in the trenches, berating his troops, shouting and bullying his defence to dominate his area. There is something about his aura, you can tell he has tasted success. The man is a lion.
Jen Lehmann 一點也沒變。他依然能在戰壕中擔任著指揮官,斥責其下的部隊,吼叫並威脅來掌控自己的地盤。這正是他的氣質,你可以感受到他享受過掌權的成就。他就像是個獅子。
Broad shouldered, very tall, and with good posture; he cuts an imposing figure at the back that balances out the small perception of our defence. No question he’s got more heart than every keeper, along with Peter Schmeichel, that I’ve ever seen.
寬偌的肩膀、身形高大、有著門將的架勢;他在後防令人印象深刻的表現,平衡了我們防禦上所欠缺的直覺。無庸質疑地,他有著一般門將所沒有的強大心志,也是自 Peter Schmeichel 之後我所見過的唯一一位。
The way Robin van Persie gave him the Man of the Match champagne in the post match interview was a fascinating moment that indicated how respected the squad’s grandfather is. It amazes me that some cannot comprehend why fans forgive him quicker than Almunia. The reason is the silverware he has won for us. He’s a part of a great period in our history and nobody can take that from him.
Robin van Persie 在賽後訪談時送給他最佳球員(MotM)的香檳是最美妙的一刻,同時指出這名在球隊裡算是祖父級球員的他是倍受尊敬的。令我驚訝的是,有的人不能理解為什麼球迷可以這麼快就原諒他,而不是原諒 Almunia。我認為原因在於,他曾經為我們拿下冠軍。他曾是黃金時期的成員,沒有人可以取代他的地位。
What a great lesson for the players to see a winning animal prepare himself, to see what it takes to reach the top and stay there.
Perhaps Wenger will reinstate him as the Arsenal squad’s fine collector as he once was. The background to the role is one player is responsible for collecting the punishments for lateness and mobile phones ringing. Lehmann, as a previous ‘tax man’ managed to upset many a fragile ego with his abrasive short temper. I’ve written before about how Freddie Ljungberg and he clashed over it.
或許 教授 要再次召回他來擔任他曾做過的罰款收納員。這個工作的職責,要求某個球員負責收取罰款,像是遲到、或者手機鈴響等。作為先前擔任過'納稅員'的 Lehmann,需要控制自己易怒的脾氣來處理傷人感情的事情。我曾經寫過 Freddie Ljungberg 和他為此大打出手的文章。
T’echnically he is superb and he remains a student of the art of goalkeeping. I’d advocate him being the Arsenal Goalkeeping Coach from next season permanently.
技術上來說,他表現非凡,且維持著守門才華的學生身份。我支持他在下個賽季成為 Arsenal 的守門教練。
While his reactions, anger and distribution might not be as they were in 2004 – it just feels right that Jens is back. If that was his last game I’m glad he got one last game in the sun with 3 points. He’s a legend, and he’s mad.
雖然他現今的反應力、暴躁的脾氣、以及對球隊的貢獻可能不若以前在 2004 球季的他,但能看到他回來絕對是OK的。若這次成了他生涯最後一場比賽,我很高性能看到他在大太陽底下,贏了比賽拿下三分。他是個傳奇,也是個狂人。
Jens Lehmann,歡迎回來。
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions!