Walcott, Ramsey and Gibbs must get chance now
by Red Detective
Goonertalk http://goo.gl/YkMIp
There are many positives to take from this season.
This has been the season Arsenal have found a future England captain develop from their Academy, Nasri has found match winning form, Djourou became a great defender and Szczesny arrived complete with a mad goal keepers personality.
這一年的賽季,Arsenal 有著從青訓培育出來的英格蘭未來之星(指 Wilshere),Nasri 有著絕佳的鬥志,Djourou 成為最佳後衛、及 Szczesny 以瘋狂門將的特質及時成為頭號門將。
However, the recent (and extended) slump in results leaves a sour taste in the mouth. The fantastic results of beating Chelsea and Barcelona raised expectations so high that when the bubble burst, for those of us innocent and naive enough to ignore frailties (myself included), we felt our confidence in the club fall crashing to the ground.
然而,最近(或著自那之後)賽績的表現下滑讓人很不是滋味。最美妙的比賽莫過於擊敗 Chelsea 和 Barca,當時我們都天真無邪地認為足以忽視槍手的弱點(連我也不例外),但等到美夢般的泡沫破滅,我們對於整個俱樂部的信心就被擊碎了。
On reflection of this season up to this point, I don’t feel I can be positive about it and I say that knowing that there were great things that happened. Had we won the Carling Cup I would say different but not without.
在提及本季的觀點上,我不認為我能夠持著正面的態度來審視它,但我要說的是,去瞭解過去曾發生的重大事件。若是我們贏下了 Carling Cup(聯賽盃冠軍),這次的評論或許會有些不同,但也不至於影響太大。
The important question is not yet about what summer changes there will or will not be, but how can we take the players and club forward in the remainder of the season.
Now that Arsenal lie in 3rd, comfortably behind Manchester United, I am reasonably confident that is the approximate finishing position for us this year. I genuinely hope to be proven wrong but, alas, I do not see it.
目前 Arsenal 處在排行第三的位置,與第四名 ManCity 保有一段距離,我認為這應該就是本賽季的最後排行了。我很樂意這想法被證實是錯的,但現在確實感受不到上升的可能。
The weighty pressure of fighting for the title feels distant and I would anticipate this would be a good time to make a couple of tweaks to the team.
This is the right time to try Theo Walcott as centre forward. With his rocket propelled power over 40 metres driven by his stocky legs, and him having a run of being free from injury (not that long I concede) whilst on the back of a goal against Spurs; he thoroughly deserves a shot as the last man running the line.
是時候讓 Theo Walcott 擔任前鋒了。有著像火箭般、四十米快速驅動力的雙腿,且有一段時間不再受傷(我承認其實也沒有多長),也在對上 Spurs 的比賽中進球;他夠資格來擔任負責進球的前鋒。
An intelligent and likeable young man with an English passport, were he deployed as the final man in Arsenal’s chain of players in position to be finishing chances he could lead the line in the way Wright did. As a sparky, English, goalscorer who knows the club’s ethos and passion. Having Wilshere in the middle and Walcott up front is a move forwards in creating the spine of Englishman needed to fight in big matches.
聰明且討喜的他,加上又是英國人,若安排他負責踢前鋒,並在 Arsenal 策動進攻的最後一環完成進球,他就能像 Wright 一樣成為進攻時的關鍵先生。成為有活力、英格蘭籍、且進球的專家,並深知整個俱樂部的精神和熱情。有 Wilshere 在中場把守, Walcott 在前線司前鋒,進而創造英格蘭籍的球員連線,那將會是一大進步。
※Ian Wright
I will not surmise as to the most suitable formation to make the most of Walcott in, but I would say he needs a powerhouse with him to win headers. Apparently Arséne Wenger is considering making a quick profit on Chamakh after just one season having arrived on a free, but ironically might be the sort of player Theo needs to be alongside. The Sun newspaper report possible interest from Arsenal in Diego Milito at Inter Milan. Though unlikely, he would be a step forward from Chamakh with his experience of winning Serie A and the Champions League. It is pointless discussing transfer targets in any great depth now, however.
我並不想去猜測,到底 Walcott 在陣型中的那個位置發揮最好,但我認為他還需要一個強壯的搭檔來幫他爭頭球。很顯然 教授 在 Chamakh 以自由轉會加入後,該考慮是否使用他來帶給球隊效益,但諷刺的是,像 Theo 這樣的球員可能得獨自奮戰。《太陽報》指出 Arsenal 對 Inter Milan 的 Diego Milito 感到興趣。雖然不可能,但他卻比 Chamakh 高一個等級,且拿過義甲冠軍和歐冠冠軍。但就現在討論誰會最有可能的轉會目標是沒有意義的。
The next player I feel deserves a chance to develop in the final Premier League games is Kieran Gibbs. He is a quick, skilful, dribbling winger changed to play at left back. Gibbs has endured terrible games when given the opportunity to deputise at left back this season. Quick at covering ground down the wing, dangerous movement at the edge of the box and able to retain width for the team. I will leave it to you to draw the injury comparisons.
第二個球員該讓他上場踢餘下英超賽事的,就是 Kieran Gibbs。他是個速度快、技巧嫻熟、善於帶球的邊鋒球員但被改造成左後衛。Gibbs 捱過慘痛的比賽結局,都在本季充當左後衛代理上場的時候。能快速地保護邊鋒的防守需求,在禁區帶來致命的快速移動,也能帶給球隊足夠的寬度之運用。至於受傷情形的比較就讓你們來評了。
Gibbs likes attacking and seems to struggle at defending. Is it wise, or indeed possible to alter a players genetic make-up to become a defender when they clearly prefer attacking? I think the solution is Gibbs getting the run of games he needs to allow an honest balanced assessment of how good he can be. Perhaps with his flair and pace, his role model should be Dani Alves (whilst ignoring the Brazilian’s cheating habits).
Gibbs 喜歡進攻,而防守看起來有待加強。那樣做是否明智,或者我該說事實上有可能換上一個與身俱來的天賦球員來防守但骨子裡卻喜歡進攻呢?我想,解答就在於讓 Gibbs 多上場比賽,來評定他是否能得到攻守俱佳的評語。或許加上他的天賦和速度,他在球隊中的定位會像 Dani Alves 一般呢(但別把這名巴西人的騙術算進去)。
Gaël Clichy’s contract has one year left and negotiations have stalled. Whether he is leaving or not there are two reasons why Gibbs should come in for him now. 1: Let us see if Arsenal have a squad player in Gibbs for next year or a genuine Clichy replacement if he leaves. 2: Strengthen the hand of the club negotiators with the Frenchman should Gibbs excel.
Gael Clichy 的合同還剩下一年到期,而目前的談判未見任何動作。無論他要留下或離去,有兩個理由現在就得用 Gibbs 上場:1. 讓我們瞭解 Arsenal 是否在 Gibbs 身上看見下賽季的未來,或著至少成為第二個 Clichy,如果 Clichy 本人要離開。2. 加強俱樂部與 這名法國人 談判的本錢就只有讓 Gibbs 崛起。
※Clichy 是法國籍。
Finally, something on Aaron Ramsey. The Welsh captain has been marginalised from the first team since returning from Cardiff. Denilson, Diaby and Rosicky have had a multitude of opportunities this season and Ramsey deserves a go judging by the results those players have conspired to be linked to.
最後,該說說 Aaron Ramsey。這名威爾斯國家隊長自 Cardiff 租借後回歸就一直被一線隊給邊緣化。Denilson、Diaby、以及 Rosicky 在本季都還有著更多的上場機會,Ramsey 理應得到比賽的檢驗,而前三者都被抨擊表現不佳。
Ramsey being involved impacts directly on the selection of Wilshere and Fabregas. In short, I cannot see a team having sufficient options and variety with all three in the team. Any side needs a mix of pace, power and creativity. Those players bring just the latter.
Ramsey 直接地影響目前目前採用 Wilshere 和 Fabregas 的戰術配置。簡言之,我看不出球隊在他們身上有充分的用人選項及多元性。任何球隊都需要速度、力量、以及創造性的結合而成。但他們只能帶來創造性。
With Wilshere looking run down and tired, the chance for Ramsey must surely have arrived. I would advocate Ramsey starting against Bolton Wanderers to allow Wilshere the rest he needs to recover the bite and power in his game in time for Manchester United.
隨著 Wilshere 看起來狀態有點下滑、且體力不支,換上 Ramsey 確實是有必要的。我建議讓 Ramsey 在 Bolton Wanderers 的比賽上場,好使 Wilshere 有足夠的休息而恢復死纏的盯人和力量來對抗 ManUtd。
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !