Tactical Reflections on Arsenal
by Red Detective
Goonertalk http://goo.gl/dhoJI※註:這篇是寫在 4/19 即與 Liverpool 以 1-1 踢平之後。
It’s no wonder Arsenal are able to draw so many penaltieds with their flicky-flicky football and repeated 1-2′s. Sure the style draws fouls, but so often it looks incredibly narrow and like a long shot that it can create a goal. How many seasons now have critics said we are trying to score the perfect goal?
難怪 Arsenal 有本事得到這麼多點球機會,正是因為一直傳球的球風以及不住地用二過一策略。這樣的球風確實可以賺來不少罰球的機會,但也未免太頻繁以至於看上去就只有這套策略,即使遠射可以得分也要傳球。多少賽季以來,數不清的批評指出我們只願踢進漂亮的進球。
I am not proposing a complete adjustment of the style but unless you take enough shots, then you don’t force errors, create opportunities or force some luck. Cristiano Ronaldo would not have beaten Gomes had he not have shot. The worst thing I’ve heard is the management are considering letting Rosicky leave to be replaced with Hleb for his second spell. I think the Czech should be allowed to move on but signing a player renowned above all others for not shooting makes my eyes water.
我不是有意要整個球風進行大刀闊斧般的改革,但好歹要有夠多的射門數,這樣你才不會受迫而失誤,而是創造機會、甚至踢進幸運的一球。不射門的 Christian Ronaldo 也沒辦法擊敗 Gomes。最近傳聞最令我詫異的是,管理層考慮放走 Rosicky 而採用 Hleb 來接替他踢下個賽季。我想,這名捷克人若要主動離開是不會被阻止的,但是卻簽下以不射門而稱著的球員,那我一定會欲哭無淚。
The fullbacks, Clichy and Eboue, gave the width for parts of the game but it looked as though the Liverpool defenders could handle head height crosses all day long bar one corner Koscielny nearly scored from. What’s the bottom line? Van Persie is not a last man forward. Numerous interceptions made from his feet because their defenders knew he does not have the pace to run beyond. It reminded me of the FA Cup final against Manchester United, which we ultimately won. With Bergkamp unable to beat Rio Ferdinand for pace, he did what Skrtel did.
邊後衛 Clichy 和 Eboue 增加了比賽中進攻的多樣性,但他們的傳中吊球看上去都能被 Liverpool 的後衛群瓦解,除了 Koscielny 幾乎頂進的角球進攻。結果是什麼?Van Persie 卻無法負責成為最後起腳的前鋒。Liverpool 的防守球員不停地截斷 Van Persie 的球,為的是不讓他有持球衝刺的機會。這讓我想起以前在 FA Cup 與 ManUtd 的比賽,最後是我們贏了。那一次 Bergkamp 無法用衝刺來擊敗 對方的後衛 Rio Ferdinand,而 Rio 當時所做的正和這次的後衛 Skrtel 所做的一樣。
I’d like to see Arsenal with Van Persie running on to neat lay offs from a player ahead of him not running behind. He’s a fantastic goalscorer, but not suited to the attrition and warfare of roughing it alongside the rough henchmen of the league. Should someone as brittle be battling with Terry, Vidic, Skrtel or should he be given a free role to link play in behind someone physical enough to bully those players and outpace them? The risk is he would become a luxury player in this role. Maybe he is unable to track back and tackle as effectively as, say, a Fabregas or a Nasri in the role. If that is true then might Van Persie be the wrong player tactically? I do not say this is what I think, I seek to discuss a way of deploying him more efficiently.
我喜歡看著 Arsenal 球隊中 Van Persie 漂亮地擺脫前方的後衛,而不是看他跑得比較快。他是個令人眼睛為之一亮的射手,但不適合肩負著施壓及對抗英超的硬漢後衛群。該讓一個容易較脆弱且易傷的球員去對抗 Terry、Vidic、Skrtel 嗎?還是該讓他來踢進攻中場來支援負責扛住前線且較壯碩的前鋒,並讓後衛疲於奔命呢?把他放在這樣的位置確實太浪費了。或許他無法像 Fabregas 或 Nasri 在擔任進攻中場時還能追逐並有效率地鏟球。若前鋒和進攻中場都不太適合 Van Persie,是否成為戰術中被錯誤使用的球員呢?我不太願意承認這是我的想法,只求能看到更有效率使用他的戰術。
Another player I would like to consider is Abou Diaby. He gave Arsenal a power and physicality they miss greatly. His ability to move through tackling midfielders is superb, and yet, I still groan when he is in the side. Why? He doesn’t step up and perform in the massive games. Wilshere, Nasri and Fabregas have all given big performances on big stages at various times (though not lately). The times I get frustrated with Diaby is when Arsenal’s attacking midfielders are straddling the thirty yard line trying to penetrate a stubborn defence. He continually slows the game down, allowing any decent organised outfit to realign to any space made by the player who has passed to him. Watching Barcelona, Manchester United, Real Madrid and Arsenal at their peak you see how vital the speed of tempo is against such a tactic.
另外一名同樣成為我的疑問的球員,就是 Abou Diaby。他帶給 Arsenal 所欠缺的力量和體格。能漂亮地搶走對方中場腳下的球,但我還是對於他出現在陣容而感到痛苦。為什麼呢?在大部分的賽事中,他無法提升推進的速度以及有效率的執行力。Wilshere、Nasri、以及 Fabregas 在許多時候都能在關鍵一刻做出漂亮的執行力(雖然最近表現較差了些)。我對 Diaby 感到困惑的時候,正是當 Arsenal 的進攻中場要來個跨越三十碼的快速反擊來穿越對方頑強的防線之際。他卻一再地拖慢節奏,只要有人傳給他,他就會禮貌地讓對方不急不徐地組織好防線。看看 Barca、ManUtd、Real Madrid、以及 Arsenal 在關鍵時刻的漂亮表現,你就會體認到比賽節奏也是擊敗對手的重要策略。
What is more, it seems like it has been an age waiting for Diaby to truly arrive at the highest level. It’s been many years that Diaby has flattered to deceive that he would become the all action match winner he could be.
更甚的是,看來又要再給 Diaby 一年的機會來瞧瞧他是否真的能開竅。已經給他太多時間,讓他自命非凡,甚至認為有朝一日會成為關鍵球員。
Diaby divides fans into two camps; those that say he is not good enough and those that say he possesses the natural athletic prowess to win games by himself. I am waiting for that player to arrive; and not against Newcastle, West Ham or Everton but against Chelsea, United or Tottenham. For surely that has to be the standard, a group of players individually and collaboratively capable of dominating top matches. Let’s see if he can deliver on Wednesday, and show what he is all about.
Diaby 也讓球迷分成兩個陣營:一群認為他踢得不夠好,而另一群認為他擁有天生的球技足以贏下比賽。我正期待這樣的球員趕快加入,不是對上 Newcastle、West Ham、或 Everton 才拿出看家本領,而是對上 Chelsea、ManUtd、或 Tottenham 的時候發揮能力。當然那也得需要一定的程度,即是整個球隊中,球員們不但要有好的個人能力以及團隊合作才能主宰關鍵的賽事。讓我們瞧瞧若是 Diaby 能在週三上場的話,看看他的表現如何。