Wenger - Title bid all but over
Manager accepts responsibility for Gunners slipping out of race
By Ben Collins. Last Updated: April 24, 2011 9:05pm
Skysports http://goo.gl/LvD7k
Arsene Wenger admits Arsenal's chances of winning the Premier League title are "minimal" after a 2-1 defeat at Bolton on Sunday.
教授 在週日 Arsenal 以 2-1 輸給 Bolton 後,承認要奪下英超冠軍的機會已微乎其微。
The Gunners surrendered leads to draw against Liverpool and Tottenham over the last seven days and an even bigger setback at Bolton has rounded off a costly week.
在過去七天以內,槍手 連續錯失領先的機會而戰平 Liverpool 和 Tottenham,這次有機會在擊敗 Bolton 來宣示終結不勝的一週。
Arsenal had to win at the Reebok to maintain any realistic hope of staying in the title race but defeat leaves them nine points adrift of Manchester United with four games left.
Arsenal 必須在 Reebok 球場取勝才能實際地來談奪冠的夢想,然而這次輸球使得和榜首球隊 ManUtd 差距拉到九分之大,而且只剩下四場賽事。
"We have to fight as much as we can until the last game," Wenger said. "But, of course, our chances are minimal now."
『我們仍得奮戰到最後一刻,』教授 表示,『但,事實上,我們(奪冠)的機會相當渺茫。』
Daniel Sturridge gave Bolton a deserved lead in the 38th minute before Robin van Persie equalised three minutes into the second half.
Daniel Sturridge 在第38分鐘帶給 Bolton 領先進球,隨後 Robin van Persie 在下半場開局的三分鐘內踢進扳平進球。
But the Gunners spurned several chances to go in front before allowing sub Tamir Cohen to head home a 90th-minute winner, with both Bolton goals coming from corners.
但 槍手 浪費許多超前的機會,使得替補上場的 Tamir Cohen 在第90分鐘頂進致勝球,且 Bolton 的兩記進球皆來自角球。
Hard to swallow
"It's hard to lose a game like that, when you look at the way we conceded the goals," Wenger said. "Over the week, it's hard to swallow.
『很難接受這樣的結局,特別是當你看到我們是如何被進球的,』教授 表示,『經過了這一週,真的很難以接受這樣的結果。』
"But we gave everything, our attitude was fantastic.
"We were 1-0 down then had chances to win it but we didn't take them. The players did fight very hard and they're very disappointed."
『起初以 1-0 落後,接著我們有機會反超,但可惜沒抓住機會。槍手球員們無一不全力以赴,結局也讓他們非常難過。』
Just like last season, Arsenal's title bid has faltered after claiming just one win in April.
就如同上個賽季一樣,在四月只贏一場的表現讓 Arsenal 的奪冠機會煙消雲散。
Wenger's players have been criticised for not showing enough mental strength when the going gets tough but the French boss defended his players and took responsibility for what is set to be a sixth season without silverware for the Gunners.
"I don't compare it to last season," he said. "I feel we were much closer this year.
『我不願去和上個賽季做比較,』教授 表示著。『我只能說,本季我們本有機會奪冠。』
"I just feel this week we could have taken nine points and we've taken two. That is a massive difference.
"We have to look at some things that happened during the week and, of course, we have to rectify them.
Opportunity wasted
"I feel the players have had an outstanding attitude this season," Wenger added. "They are not to blame. If somebody is to blame, it's me. I pick the team.
『我認為球員們在本季已體現傑出的態度,』教授 補充說道。『他們都不該受到一絲的責備。若真的有人要被責備,那就只有我。因為是我安排了球隊的陣容。』
"It's very unsatisfactory because it's one of the easiest run-ins we've had for a long time and we didn't take our chances many times. That's frustrating because you feel the potential is there but you have to take your chances.
"We still lack maturity, experience and calm in important situations.
"The way we have dropped points makes it even more frustrating but we have to focus on our next game and put this behind us."
Come on u Gunners!!!!!