by Gooner Chris
Goonertalk http://goo.gl/QObCs
Zenit St Petersburg manager Luciano Spalletti admits that enquiries will be made for Arsenal star Andrey Arshavin this summer, in an attempt to bring the ex-Zenit star back to the Petrovsky Stadium.
Zenit St Petersburg 總教練 Luciano Spalletti 表示會在今夏向 Arsenal 提交轉會請求,並將這名前任 Zenit 的球星帶回 Petrovsky 球場。
The 29-year-old left Zenit for north London in February 2009, but after a remarkable first season in England – including four goals against Liverpool in a 4-4 draw at Anfield – his form slumped and he is no longer a first team regular.
現年 29歲的他,在 2009 年二月離開 Zenit 而來到 北倫敦,但在英超第一個賽季的經典之作後,當然也包括在 Anfield 作客以 4-4 戰平Liverpool 一役獨攬四顆進球的表現,他的狀態就自此下滑,現在也不是一線球員的固定班底。
“Arshavin has repeatedly demonstrated himself to be a champion,” said Spalletti, “in June we will have to see if his transfer is possible.”
“Arshavin 一直展現自己對奪冠的渴慕” Spalletti 如是說,“到了六月,我們就會去瞭解轉會的可行性。”
Current Russian Premier League champions Zenit are reportedly also open to a year-long loan deal with the option to buy at the end included.
正值俄超冠軍球隊的 Zenit ,報導指出也可能會在最後提出一年的長期租借合同而非買斷球員的合同。
However, Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has already spoken about Arshavin saying he is “desperate” to keep the midfield maestro at the Emirates after exit rumours surfaced again in January.
然而,Arsenal 總教練 教授 也針對在一月傳出 Arshavin 離隊的傳言而提到 Arshavin 的事情,表示自己‘渴望’留住這名中場明星球員。
Arshavin’s contract expires in summer 2012.
Arshavin 的合同到 2012 年截止。
Arshavin 真的很有魅力,
更在冬轉之際幫了 Arsenal 一把而不致跌出四強之外。
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !