標題 [採訪+視頻] Thierry Henry 與我
時間 Sat Apr 2 19:44:30 2011

Thierry Henry and me!
Georgie Thompson spends a week with the Frenchman in New York
By Georgie Thompson Last updated: 26th March 2011
視頻:(分成四段, 由 Georgie Thompson 專門採訪,放在文末)
There is no disputing Thierry Henry's character on a football pitch.
沒有人會懷疑 Thierry Henry 在足球場上的風範。
He has won almost everything there is to win as a professional player; the
World Cup, the European Championships, the Champions League, League titles,
cups, the Golden Boot - and with that boot he's scored 359 goals.
'Invincible' some might say.
Despite eight years playing in the Premier League for Arsenal and despite all
those accolades, the person away from the field remains something of a
儘管在 Arsenal 踢了八年的英超聯賽以及得到許多的讚譽,但球場之外的他依然令人感到
I'd been given unprecedented, behind-the-scenes access to Thierry ahead of
the new MLS season and I had a week to get what I really wanted... the real
Thierry Henry.
在球季開始前,我被得到史無前例、幕後地採訪 Thierry,並且有一週的時間可以盡量去
瞭解真正的 Thierry Henry。
My producer Anna and I are waiting for Thierry to meet us for a pre-shoot
製作人 Anna 和我在晚餐的預拍現場等著 Thierry 現身。
The waiting isn't helping our nerves.
We are both full of expectations, preconceptions and have all sorts of ideas
for the week ahead but we are acutely aware we are in unchartered territory
and this is our first opportunity to get Thierry on-side.
一個敏感未獲許可的地帶,而這也是我們第一次在 Thierry 身旁進行貼身採訪。
We eventually say goodnight at midnight and I'm relieved Thierry has chatted
freely off camera about his new life in New York, the MLS, Arsene Wenger and
his beloved Arsenal.
最後在深夜前道聲晚安後,我鬆了一口氣,鏡頭之外的 Thierry 自然地聊起自己在紐約
的新生活、美國足球聯賽、教授、以及他所深愛的球隊 Arsenal。
As I put myself to bed I hope he will be as animated and engaging through the
lens tomorrow.
It's an early start at the Red Bull Arena for me, Anna and our cameraman
Duncan. It's media day and the press pack and camera crews are out in force -
all wanting a piece of Thierry.
我、Anna、以及攝影師 Duncan 一早就在 Red Bull 的球場開始採訪。今天是媒體採訪日
,記者們以及攝影師群都在此,無一不是在等著 Thierry 現身。
They get what they came for; Thierry training, Thierry giving interviews,
Thierry signing shirts, it's nothing new but it is, as usual, relentless.
他們得到想要的新聞;Thierry 訓練時一舉一動、Thierry 接受採訪、Thierry 在衣衫簽
When the crowds disperse I'm nervous Thierry will have had his fill of media
duties for the day. I'm wrong. He whisks me off on a whistle-stop tour of the
等到群眾都散去後,我本來以為 Thierry 還得繼續接受媒體的訪問。但我錯了,他立即
We pause to take in a huge canvas on the wall of him capturing a celebratory
moment in an Arsenal shirt against Tottenham. He reminisces about his
"beloved" Arsenal, this time on camera. We've got what we came for!
談話間,我們注意到牆上掛著一幅大型的帆布,上面是捕捉到他穿著 Arsenal 球衣對上
Tottenham 進球後的慶祝畫面。在鏡頭前,他回憶起所鍾愛的 Arsenal,這正是我們所要
On the way back into town Thierry calls unexpectedly, he wants to talk more
and this time he welcomes us into his home to do so.
回到城鎮的途中,Thierry 突然打電話給我們,表示他願意談更多,所以這次他邀請我們
His roof-top terrace and the view that comes with it, presumably with a
considerable price tag attached, is stunning. As the sun goes down over the
famous Manhattan skyline we talk about the past, the present and the future.
目結舌。隨著夕陽在著名的 曼哈頓天際邊落下,我們聊了過去、現在、以及未來的事。
Despite the chill in the air there is a warmth in his tone and he seems
genuinely happy to be here; both in this interview and in this city.
Tonight we've been invited to join Thierry at an Elton John concert at
Madison Square Garden. We head backstage.
今晚 Thierry 邀請我們前去位於 麥迪遜花園廣場 的 Elton John 演唱會。我們從後台進去。
Elton John(艾爾頓·強):在1997年為紀念黛安娜王妃而錄製的單曲《風中之燭》為
華人所熟悉。by Wikipedia
可是我只知道他唱過《獅子王》的“Can You Feel the Love Tonight”( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
Thierry gives Elton a signed New York Red Bulls shirt and later Elton returns
the compliment by paying tribute to Thierry on stage.
Thierry 給了 Elton 一件紐約 Red Bulls 的簽名襯衫,而 Elton 便在臺上稱讚了
Thierry 一番。
提醒一下:Red Bulls 是紅牛隊,也是 Henry 目前所在的職業球隊。
There is a mutual respect that passes between the two. It's nice to see.
Not even Anna my producer tripping over Whoopi Goldberg in the corridor can
mar the moment!
即使我的製作人 Anna 不小心在走廊間絆倒 Whoopi Goldberg 也不至於糟蹋了這一刻。
Whoopi Goldberg(琥碧·戈柏):美國演員,印象中以《修女也瘋狂》聞名。
Tonight we're back at Madison Square Garden for the Knicks v The Grizzlies.
今晚我們又回到 麥迪遜花園廣場,參觀尼克隊 v 灰熊隊的比賽。
Thierry is a big basketball fan and has a few very big friends on the team.
Thierry 也是個籃球迷,甚至有一些非常高大的籃球朋友。
It's hard not to be intimidated by Ronny Turiaf, who stands at 7 foot
something and as Thierry points, out has feet the size of my entire body.
Thank you for that TH!
很難不被 Ronny Turiaf 給震撼,他可是七呎高(210公分)的傢伙,且如同 Thierry 所說
感謝 TH 帶我們來參觀球賽。
We shoot from dusk till dawn and almost everything else in between. New York
is one giant film set and we want to capture it all on camera.
We see sunrise over the Statue of Liberty, we are in Central Park, up the
Rockerfeller and the Empire State buildings, on Fifth Avenue, amongst hot dog
sellers on street corners in Greenwich and breathing in the smoke and drama
of Broadway and Times Square.
看見日出從自由女神像旁升起,接著我們在中央公園,在第五大道上有 洛克菲勒中心 和
We even ask a busking piano player in Washington Square Garden to play us his
interpretation of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys Empire State of Mind.
我們甚至在華盛頓廣場花園裡請街頭鋼琴師為我們詮釋一首由 Jay-Z 和 Alicia Keys 合
唱的“Empire State of Mind”。
Jay-Z(知名的繞舌歌手) & Alicia Keys(艾莉西亞·凱斯,知名藍調歌手)
We can't be sure if we'll use it in the programme but we might and that is
enough for us. It's a case of have camera, will film... everything!
This is it. Match-day and our final day in New York with Thierry.
就是今天了,球賽日以及我們最後一天在紐約採訪 Thierry。
When he suggests we travel with him to the game we jump at the chance - and
into his car before he has time to change his mind!
Of course the fairytale end to this story is one where Thierry scores and the
Red Bulls win, but it doesn't happen quite like that.
當然,這段美妙的一週需要有個童話般的結局,那就是 Thierry 進球,Red Bulls 也贏
What actually happens is Thierry misses a penalty and injures his hamstring
just eight minutes into the game.
Thierry 罰失一個點球,而且在比賽開始的第8分鐘就肌腱受傷。(註:但還是繼續踢完)
The Red Bulls still start the season positively recording a 1-0 victory
thanks to a promising 18-year-old called Juan Agudelo assisted by a certain
number 14.
但 Red Bulls 依然取得了正面的結果,拿下1-0勝利,多虧那名 18歲前途在望的 Juan
Agudelo 接到隊友14號的助攻而射門得分。
It turns out in our post-match interview with Agudelo that Thierry has stayed
behind in training that week to work on the exact move which led to the goal
Juan scored.
因此賽後我們訪談了 Agudelo,而 Juan Agudelo 進球前,Thierry 按照訓練時的跑位在
I like this ending better somehow to the sugar-coated fairytale version it
might have been. It tells a different story, one of the player but also the
man I've come to know in the last few days.
Red Bulls vs Sounders 比賽視頻:
Anna, Duncan and I are heading home.
Anna、Duncan 和我正要回家。
Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge out of Manhattan and leaving the concrete jungle
behind us I get to thinking did I get what I wanted from our week in New
穿過 布魯克林大橋而遠離 曼哈頓,茂密的樹叢從窗外閃過,我開始回想:我在紐約
Did i get what I came for? The real Thierry Henry? I'd like to think i came
as close as anyone can.
我是否得到我想要的呢?更進一步地瞭解真實的 Thierry Henry ?我想了想,比起一般人
The End~~
對於 最欣賞的球員之一:Thierry Henry,
也願 Arsenal 繼續衝擊這次的英超冠軍,拿下久違的獎盃吧。
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !