標題 [新聞] 四名教練獻策:Arsenal 要如何擊敗 Barca
時間 Tue Mar 8 20:58:34 2011

Four managers on how Arsenal can eliminate Barcelona | Louise Taylor and
Dominic Fifield
by Louise Taylor, Dominic Fifield
《衛報》 http://goo.gl/q3yP1
Howard Wilkinson, Joe Royle, Peter Taylor and Ray Wilkins explain how Arsenal
need to play to progress at Camp Nou
Howard Wilkinson, Joe Royle, Peter Taylor, 及 Ray Wilkins 解釋 Arsenal 得如何
踢才能在 Camp Nou 向前邁進
*四名教練紛為 Arsenal 獻策,究竟誰說得對呢?當然還是由 教授 說了算 XDDD
Howard Wilkinson, managed Leeds United to league title in 1991-92
Howard Wilkinson, 曾於91-92率 Leeds United 奪下英甲冠軍(*當時最高級別聯賽)
I was at the first leg and would hope Arsenal can continue where they left
off. They need to do what they did in the second half at the Emirates and
hold a high defensive line which left little space between defence and
midfield for Barcelona to exploit. In the first half Barca had been given
plenty of room to play and were passing through Arsenal. After the break,
though, with Arsenal playing much higher, they were forced to pass in front
of Arsene Wenger's team, rarely got behind the home defence and were never
able to use their possession to really hurt them. Arsenal made things too
tight for a Barcelona side that, at times, even started losing the ball. Some
people might advocate fielding a five-man midfield in Spain but I'd go for
four and a half in that department with the half fully able to exploit any
attacking opportunities that present themselves.
我參觀過第一回合的賽事,希望 Arsenal 可以持續砲轟對手。他們必須重現於
Emirates 球場時下半場的表現,並加強防線減少中場和後衛間的間隙,以防被
Barcelona 利用並擊破。在當時的上半場給了 Barca 太多的空間而使 Arsenal 後防經常
被突破。中場休息後,隨著 Arsenal 踢得更緊湊,Barca 被迫在 槍手的前線傳球,更少
威脅到主場球隊的後防,也未能善用其控球率來打擊對手。雖然被 Barcelona 先進球得
分,但 Arsenal 卻能及時地加強上前逼搶的策略。有些人提議 Arsenal 用五中場策略來
Joe Royle, managed Everton to FA Cup final victory in 1995
Joe Royle, 曾率 Everton 拿下 1995 足總盃冠軍
I suspect Wenger will play a five-man midfield and I think it offers Arsenal
their best chance of success. They will miss Alex Song and need Abou Diaby to
be at his best, if selected, as he will surely be the main defensive
midfielder and must help his full-backs out. Arsenal will need to spent a lot
of the night containing while playing on the break and hoping to catch
Barcelona out with counter-attacks. Their natural game is very much about
hitting teams on the break so this is something they are very good at. The
containment bit of the night will be largely about limiting the supply to
Lionel Messi and trying to force him on to his right foot. He's the world's
best player so at times he will damage Arsenal's game but that doesn't mean
they should give up doubling up on him. Wenger's players know Messi will look
to attack Gael Clichy's right foot and they need to prevent this happening
too often. Even if you manage to keep Messi quiet there are bound to be
problems with those around him - Andres Iniesta, for instance – but an extra
man in midfield will help an Arsenal side who will have been hardened
mentally by beating Barcelona at the Emirates.
我不認為 教授 會採用 5中場戰術,但我認為這策略最能提供 Arsenal 贏球的機會。他
們失去了 Song 且若使用 Abou Diaby ,還得冀求他處在最佳狀態才可,正因他得擔負防
守中場的職責並減少後防的壓力。Arsenal 必須全力以赴踢好當晚的比賽,把握進球機會
,也得祈禱能抓住 Barcelona 的空隙來打防守反擊。Barca 的比賽經常是在運動戰擊敗
對手,也是他們所擅長的方式。想要控制當晚的比賽,就得著重於切斷 Lionel Messi 的
支援並迫使他用右腳。他是當前世界上最佳的球員,無疑會帶給 Arsenal 不少麻煩,但
並不表示 Arsenal 就要放棄使用二人聯防他。槍手們都知道 Messi 會專攻 Gael
Clichy 的右側,因此得防止屢被突破。即使真得讓 Messi 沒有作為,同時還得擔心另一
個麻煩人物─他身旁的 Iniesta,這時候若有一名中場球員來協防,就會讓這支在
Emirates 主場擊敗 Barcelona 而更堅強的 Arsenal 繼續前進歐冠。
Peter Taylor, former England Under-21 and one-time England manager
Peter Taylor, 前任 U-21英格蘭國家隊教練 及 英格蘭國家隊的暫時主教練
建議陣型:4-6-0 ? XDDD
If I were Wenger I would ask Arsenal to defend really deep, while letting
Barcelona have the ball and pass it around in front of them before attacking
them on the break. I think it's just too difficult to hold a high line and
press a team as talented as Barcelona for an entire evening at Camp Nou.
Admittedly, if Arsenal lacked pace, you would probably have no option but to
go for a pressing game and a higher line but, because Wenger's team are
collectively quicker than Barca, they can combine sitting deep with
blistering counter-attacks. Arsenal's extreme pace on the break will scare
Barcelona and that fear might make them a little less dangerous as an
attacking force. I would have Wenger's defence sitting on the edge of the
area, leaving little space behind them for Barcelona to exploit with the
quality of their passing and movement. If that gap behind Arsenal's backline
is too big the risk of defeat increases. I also believe a deep-lying defence
will be much better equipped to comfortably combat Barca's crossing.
如果我是 教授,我會要求 Arsenal 後撤設防,並在發動攻勢前讓 Barcelona 盡情地持
球和傳球。的確,要建立起強健的後防線、力抗像 Barcelona 這般才華洋溢的球隊一整
個晚上,是相當困難的事。但不可否認的是,若 Arsenal 失去自身的節奏,你能做的選
擇就是逼搶並堅固後防,但又因著 教授所率領的球隊 整體速度比 Barca 快,因此可考
慮後撤設防並搭配快速反擊。Arsenal 的快速反擊將能嚇阻 Barcelona,並減少其進攻的
威脅。我會要求後防佇立於禁區的邊線,減少空間不讓擅長傳球並跑位的 Barcelona 突
擊。若是後防留出太大的空間,將會鋌而走險。而且後撤防線更能準備好應付 Barca 的
Ray Wilkins, former Chelsea assistant manager and Sky Sports expert
Ray Wilkins, 前任 Chelsea 助理教練及《天空體育》評論員
If Arsenal progress in this tie it would arguably be one of the most notable
achievements by an English club in European competition in recent times.
Barcelona are world-class throughout their line-up and, even without Carles
Puyol and Gerard Pique, they're only in the same position they were in last
season when the sides met and the Spanish club progressed so comfortably.
They'll just bring in more world-class players to replace both centre-halves,
so Arsenal's task is immense.
Arsenal 若能在這兩回合勝出,那將會是近年來英超球隊在歐洲賽事中值得一提的成就。
Barcelona 在陣容中擁有許多世界級的球員,即使這次 Carles Puyol 和 Gerard Pique
星來替代前任的兩名前鋒球員,可想見 Arsenal 的任務是多麼的艱辛。
If they are to make it through to the quarter-finals, they should not play
for a goalless draw. The simple fact of the matter is that they are unlikely
to keep Barca out for the entire match – they've scored 78 goals in La Liga
alone this season – so Arsenal need to try and play their natural game, most
likely within the formation they are familiar with, and put the home side on
the back foot by registering an away goal. They can look to hit on the
counter-attack, with the trickery of Samir Nasri and Cesc Fabregas, and
discomfort the home side that way. That approach does at least allow them to
stick to what they are best at.
若 槍手 想踢進四強賽,就別期待以零和晉級。顯而易見的事實就是,他們不太可能封住
Barca 整場比賽,畢竟他們在本季的西甲比賽灌進對手 78球,所以 Arsenal 務必踢出自
己的風格,且可能繼續採用所熟悉的陣型,踢進客場進球迫使他們慌了馬腳。槍手 搭配
機靈的 Samir Nasri 和 Cesc Fabregas 踢反擊戰術來進攻,並帶給主場球隊不少困擾。
This Arsenal team are incapable of doing what Internazionale did against
Barcelona last season, shutting up shop and piling men behind the ball with
very little ambition ever to go forward. That would be against Wenger's
philosophy. Sure, they have a good work ethic – like Barca's, in fact –
with both sides eager to chase down the ball when it's lost. But, to make the
home side work, they have to keep the ball as long as they can when they can
steal it from Barca, and make use of it, particularly in wide areas. They
will have to be ruthless in front of goal and take what chances that come
their way. They scored at Camp Nou last season and created other chances;
they need to take them all this time around.
目前的 Arsenal 是無法模仿上賽季 Internationale 對付 Barcelona 的戰術,那樣地
縮小空間、全隊幾乎不向前地堆在後半場。那違背了 教授 的足球理念。的確,他們有
著不錯的職業道德,就像 Barca 一樣,彼此都會在失球後極力搶回。但若要使主場球隊
更辛苦些,他們就得在搶過球來以後,盡可能地持球,並擅用廣大的球場空間。槍手 應
該會更加無情地搶球,並抓住進攻的機會。上賽季槍手就曾在 Camp Nou 進球並造成多次
Defensively, Arsenal need to be rock solid through the middle, where so many
of Barcelona's clever give-and-goes are generated. The Spanish team attack
with pace through the middle, so that's where Arsenal need to be most wary.
Song is their most natural defensively-minded midfielder, breaking up a lot
of the opponents' play, so to be denied him is a real loss. Diaby is more
rangy in his style of play, but it will be a test of his ability whether he
has the pace and ability to cope with the quick feet and passing of Iniesta,
Xavi and Mascherano.
就防禦上來說,Arsenal 必須加強中場的防守,特別是 Barcelona 尤其擅長傳跑策略。
這支西班牙球隊常在中場發動快速進攻,也是 Arsenal 亟需加強嚴防的。Song 是槍手
,尤其是遇上腳法華麗且能妙傳的 Iniesta, Xavi 和 Mascherano。
But the bottom line is that Wenger will want his side to go there and put in
a performance, playing the brand of exciting football with which they have
graced the Premier League. They need Barcelona perhaps to have an off day –
maybe a repeat of the profligacy that damaged them in the first leg – and to
take their own chances, while remaining solid down the spine of their side.
It's a big ask. A massive ask. But it will be a cracking game.
但能讓 教授 接受的最低底線還是,全隊都能無懼地盡力表現,打出既往的漂亮足球,
就如在英超所表現的。槍手 可能需要 Barcelona 持續不走運的日子,甚至像第一回合
那樣浪費許多機會而輸球,並且在穩住防線時,槍手 還得把握每一次的機會。這是一項
這是一篇作文式報導:(( ̄□ ̄|||)a)
If I Were Arsene Wenger,....
如果我是 教授的話,....
拿出你們的精神擊敗 Barca !!!!!
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !