標題 [新聞] Ramsey 榮膺威爾斯國家隊隊長
時間 Fri Mar 25 22:42:02 2011

Ramsey honoured to be skipper
Wales' new captain cannot wait to lead his country into battle
By Chris Burton Last updated: 25th March 2011
Aaron Ramsey admits it is a 'special' honour for him to have been named
Wales' youngest-ever captain.
Aaron Ramsey 認為這對他是個特別的榮譽:成為威爾斯國家隊最年輕的隊長。
The Arsenal midfielder will lead his country into battle against England on
Saturday in their Euro 2012 qualifier.
這名 Arsenal 中場球員會在週六的 Euro 2012 資格賽,率隊迎擊英格蘭隊。
Running out with the armband on at the Millennium Stadium will complete a
remarkable turnaround for the youngster, who suffered an horrific broken leg
while on club duty just over a year ago.
於 Millennium球場 穿戴隊長臂章,對這名年輕的球員會是顯著的轉變,畢竟曾在一年前
experienced colleagues, admits he is delighted to have been handed the
captaincy and hopes his performances on the field will justify his manager's
20歲的他,被 Gary Speed 選為隊長而非其他資歷較深的球員,表示自己很高興被賦予
"I feel over the moon and honoured to be captain of my country at such a
young age," said Ramsey.
『我非常開心,能在如此年輕之際就榮膺自己國家隊的隊長,』Ramsey 表示。
"Ever since I was a boy I have wanted to be a professional footballer and to
captain my country one day. That day has come now and it's a very special
moment for me.
"It was a bit of a surprise, but a very nice one. I am just happy that he
[Speed] has given me this opportunity to become captain and now I hope to
lead by example in the way I play.
『這令我感到驚訝,但卻是個好消息。我對於 教練(Speed)給我機會來擔任隊長感到開心,
"I won't be screaming and shouting. I just have to lead by example. There are
10 other players out there who could easily be captain.
"It's probably one of the biggest games you can play in. It's going to be a
great and special occasion for me to lead the team out in front of a full
house at home against England."
Aston Villa's James Collins and Swansea's Ashley Williams were among those
believed to be in the running for the captaincy and Ramsey admits he is
fortunate to have so many seasoned professionals alongside him.
Aston Villa 的 James Collins 和 Swansea 的 Ashley Willams 都是被認為能角逐隊長
一職的球員,Ramsey 認為自己很幸運能在有經驗的職業球員之中。
He said: "There is a lot of experience throughout the team. Craig Bellamy has
been captain before, Collins has had lot of experience. I'm sure they won't
need telling what to do, because they are so experienced."
他說:『隊裡的球員都是非常有經驗的球員。Craig Bellamy 曾經擔任過隊長,Collins
Ramsey admits he would not want to be the one to have to tell Cardiff's
on-loan frontman Bellamy that he was in the wrong, so he is hoping the former
national skipper has a good game.
Ramsey 承認自己不想成為唯一該告訴目前租借在 Cardiff 的前鋒 Bellamy 做錯事的球員
,所以期許曾是隊長得 Bellamy 能有好表現。
貌似 Bellamy 的個性鬧得很僵?
He said with a smile: "I get on with Craig pretty well and we talk quite
often. If he needs shouting at I won't be the one to do it, but hopefully
that won't need to be done."
他微笑地說:『我和 Craig 處得不錯,也經常聊天。如果他得大聲嚷嚷,我不願成為唯一
所以,暗指 Bellamy 在球場上很容易發脾氣?
The Gunners starlet has also spoken of his joy and having seen his career
turn full circle in the space of 12 months.
註:Ramsey 才20歲喔!
"It just shows the highs and lows of football and how quickly things can turn
around," he said.
"I broke my leg just over a year ago and that was a really low period for me.
This is now the best moment in my career so far and it's amazing how quickly
things can turn around."
恭喜!Aaron Ramsey!
Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !