Lehmann: “I jumped at the chance to help Arsenal”
by Gooner Chris
Goonertalk http://goo.gl/nqIox
Former Arsenal goalkeeper Jens Lehmann will make a sensational return to the club after it was revealed that he has agreed a deal until the end of the season.
前 Arsenal 門將 Jens Lehmann 將會回到俱樂部,據傳他已經接受效力至本季末的短期合同。
Gunners manager Arsene Wenger has been in the market for a ‘keeper on an emergency loan deal to cover his injury crisis, with Lehmann currently a free agent from the game after two seasons with Stuttgart back in the Bundesliga following his five-year spell at Arsenal.
槍手總教練 Arsene Wenger 已經在轉會市場中,以緊急租借合同來聘僱一名門將來解決門將的傷病危機,而當前為自由球員的 Lehmann 已在去年退役,在 Arsenal 踢了五年以後並在 德甲 Stuttgart 踢了最後兩個球季。
The 41-year-old is currently back at Arsenal while he completes his UEFA coaching badges.
現年41歲的他,在他完成教練勳章時將返回 Arsenal。
“Arsenal currently have a goalkeeping crisis and I jumped at the chance to help them,” said Lehmann
“Arsenal 目前碰上門將危機,我把握這次機會來幫助他們。” Lehmann 表示。
“I will help Almunia or whoever is in goal. I know I will be the keeper on the bench.
“我會協助 Almunia 或者其他門將球員。我也知道我將會是替補球員”
“There is no rivalry, that was three years ago. It’s a different situation and it’s great to be coming back.”
畢竟人家 萊曼大叔 已經退休了半年,總不能要他上來就有超威的守門能力吧!
(註:Almunia 鋁門其實年紀也不小,只比萊曼大叔小個8歲左右)
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We r the Champions!